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  • #6555
    John Diamond

    Looking to model Horace or possibly Hoisington KS in ho scale. enough rolling stock I plan on having one operating session be set 1963, next one 1981. between those years does anyone know wich of the two towns had the least amount of change in the track layout? any major online customers in that time span aside from the grain elevators in each town? any thoughts or help appreciated.

    John Diamond

    Good morning everyone. Having looked at google earth last night Hoisington would be to big a yard. I think Horace it will be. Will allow for plenty of open countryside either side of town in the space I have. One question regarding Hoisington though, on the east side of town a spur goes off to the north to a business. Anyone know what it is, how long its been there and what type of cars would go into or out of it? Back to Horace now. Anyone by chance have a track chart they could post a page or pages from of Horace between 1963 and 82? Lastly, correct me if wrong but assuming there was a local that stopped in Horace to switch the elevator and whatever else there was. Would be grateful for any info on that.

    john diamond

    David Boeschen

    The branch that was extending north from Hoisington, at the east end of the yard, was called the Kanbrick branch. It’s shown on the Condensed Profile chart I have as 2-1/2 miles long. Today this line appears to be not more than a half-mile long, just an industry track. The industry it serves appears to receive plastic pellet cars, as best I can tell. It’s not a brick plant, and I can’t now see any trace of one.

    But originally it went farther north. Google satellite views show an abandoned line going north and a bit east. The Condensed Profile peters out about two miles beyond, at a place called Dent. There was probably more, but almost all my resource material is not with me. I’m sure others can supply more information.

    There is another branch going south, coming off the main line at the west end of town and going to Great Bend. That one might have been competition for the Santa Fe for local traffic out of Great Bend.

    Of course, Hoisington was a division point, had a big roundhouse and always had a big yard.

    Back to Horace. These really are “twin towns”, Horace and Tribune. There were a couple of sidings at each town, and Horace did once have a bit of a yard. There’s a wye north of the main at Horace, which is still there. The predominant local industry is grain, of course, and cattle.


    Charles Duckworth

    I believe The Eagle magazine from Fall 2007 has an article I wrote on riding the Hoisington to Horace local. I included 1978 ZTS maps that showed the various customers in each town which may help with your layout design.

    John Diamond

    RG7, thanks for more Horace info. Charlie, how would I get that back issue of the Eagle your article is in. track charts and industry descriptions would most definitely be helpful.

    john diamond

    Charles Duckworth

    Kevin Love will contact you on how to order the magazine. Horace would be an interesting ‘town’ to model. In 1978 there was the depot, a YMCA to house the crews laying over, a railroad cafe, the large grain elevator and a few houses.

    John Diamond

    Thanks Charlie. Looking forward to hearing from Kevin.

    John diamond

    John Diamond

    Anyone by chance have pictures of any of the railroad facilities in Horace they can post as well as the grain elevator railcar loading spout arrangement. years 1962 to 1982 is what I am after. Thanks if anyone can help.

    John diamond

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