Our Magazine

The Eagle Magazine is our organization’s regular publication

Our magazine, The Eagle, is published quarterly and delivered to all members in good standing.  Non-members may purchase The Eagle at the company store.  Back orders of the magazine are also available in the store.

Magazine Features

About The Eagle

The MPHS publishes a quarterly magazine called The Eagle. All members receive a copy of this magazine as part of their membership dues. New members will receive a copy of the current issue as soon as their dues have been received.

The Eagle is a full-color magazine printed on high-quality, heavy paper.

If you have any questions about your subscription, please contact us via email  at membership@mopac.org.

Copies of this magazine can be purchased through our Company Store.

A comprehensive index of The Eagle issues is available here.

Regular Columns

Dispatcher’s Sheet – The editor shares news and thoughts about the issue

Conductor’s Desk – The president shares news about MPHS

From the Archivist – Our archivist reports on latest happenings with the archives

Railway Post Office – Letters from readers

List of Officers – Contact information and office held

List of contributing members – Recognition of our Sustaining and Eagle members


Each issue of The Eagle features articles about the MP and its related lines. These articles include beautiful photography, maps, car diagrams, etc. Some articles are based on employee memories and experiences.

All of them are a great source of information about equipment, operations, and railroad history.

Back Issues

Back issues of the magazine are available. In some cases, we no longer have the magazine in inventory and so provide a PDF version for purchase.

A list of recent back issues is available below. The full list may be seen in our store.

Contributing to The Eagle

The Editor of The Eagle is always looking for good articles that cover the MP and any of the predecessor lines.

You can contact the Editor via email at editor@mopac.org.

Please read some helpful guidelines for Submitting Materials to The Eagle. If you have any items for submittal to The Eagle please mail them to the Editor at this address:

Kevin Eudaly
White River Productions
996 FM 860
Palestine TX 75803

Ready to Subscribe?

Subscriptions are included with MPHS membership.  Become a member today to start receiving The Eagle.