
Blair Line HO – Greene’s Feed & Seed

Original price was: $69.95.Current price is: $55.00.

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Blair Line HO Greene’s Feed


Blair Line, Laser-cut, Greene’s Feed & Seed 

Feed & seed stores were found in nearly all communities, both large and small. In rural areas they sold feed and seed (of course). They also sold fencing, pesticides, herbicides, feeders, water troughs, baby chicks, dairy equipment and more. In larger cities they sold mostly lawn and garden supplies and pet foods. Larger shipments and bagged feed and seed would have arrived by rail just a few years ago. This structure would make a great warehouse or freight depot too.

Kit includes laser-cut wood structures that features laser etched vertical planks with nail holes, knots and imperfections in precision fit tab and slot walls. Laser cut floor has a laser etched porch floor with nail holes etched in random length boards. Laser cut door trim, window trim and corner trim feature peel-n-stick adhesive for easier assembly. Windows may be installed open or closed.
Loading dock has a laser etched floor with nail holes etched in random length boards and may be built on either side of the main feed store building. Also included are laser cut handrails, stairs and a stair assembly jig. Laser-cut peel-n-stick pre-weathered corrugated roofing and a laser-cut rooftop sign.
Details include a cast metal smoke jack, laser-cut pallets, laser-cut eave brackets, soda pop machine and feed sacks. A great selection of signs from our extensive collection of feed store signs is include along with signs for a warehouse or freight station.

Kit dimensions: store footprint 7.20″ x 2.80″ , loading dock 5.60″ x 1.10″

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 6 × 3 in

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We are a non-profit, all volunteer group. All monies collected through dues and purchases from the Company Store go towards the effort to preserve the history of the Missouri Pacific Railroad and its predecessors. Come join us in that effort.

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Regular Members receive 4 issues of the Eagle, MPHS Calendar, member discounts at the Company Store, full access to the MPHS Archives, and access to participate on the MPHS Forums.




per Year

Based on 12-month period beginning with receipt of dues

Includes a subscription to our quarterly magazine, The Eagle

New members will receive the current issue of  The Eagle  upon receipt of dues

Includes a full-color calendar for the following year (issued with 3rd quarter The Eagle)

Includes a 5% discount on many items in the company store

Access to the online MPHS Forums

Available anywhere in the world

Sustaining Member

Sustaining Members receive all the benefits of Regular Members, plus donate $25 toward MPHS Operating Expenses.  

Recognition in The Eagle.




per Year

Based on 12-month period beginning with receipt of dues

Includes a subscription to our quarterly magazine, The Eagle

New members will receive the current issue of  The Eagle  upon receipt of dues

Includes a full-color calendar for the following year (issued with 3rd quarter The Eagle)

Includes a 7.5% discount on many items in the company store

Access to the online MPHS Forums

Available anywhere in the world

Your name listed in The Eagle

$25 of your dues are tax deductible

Eagle Member

Eagle Members receive all the benefits of Regular and Sustaining Members, plus donate $50 toward MPHS Operating Expenses.  

Recognition in The Eagle.




per Year

Based on 12-month period beginning with receipt of dues

Includes a subscription to our quarterly magazine, The Eagle

New members will receive the current issue of  The Eagle  upon receipt of dues

Includes a full-color calendar for the following year (issued with 3rd quarter The Eagle)

Includes a 10% discount on many items in the company store

Access to the online MPHS Forums

Available anywhere in the world

John Bromley print (new members, not renewals)

Your name listed in The Eagle

$50 of your dues are tax deductible