Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical Passenger Operations & Equipment 1948 Sunshine Special, Ozarker and 1st 8 consist

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  • #6284
    Bill Pollard

    From the log book of conductor A.L. Linscott, a consist for the Sunshine Special, one month after the Texas Eagle inauguration pushed the Sunshine Special into a secondary role. The train was basically all heavyweight equipment, still with a full compliment of sleepers, a diner and lounge. The crew cycle that Conductor Linscott was on began by taking Sunshine Special train #32 from Little Rock to Poplar Bluff, with an overnight layover at Poplar Bluff. He then brought train #3 from Poplar Bluff to Little Rock, with an overnight layover at home. The following afternoon, he took MP train 1st #8 from Little Rock to Poplar Bluff with only a short layover of several hours before bringing train #31 the southbound Sunshine back to Little Rock, then continuing to Hot Springs on train #831. After a full layover in Hot Springs, Linscott returned to Little Rock on train #832 and was off for about 24 hours before starting the cycle again. At this time, 1st #8 and 2nd #8 were regular trains north from Little Rock with assigned crews. The second section was primarily a mail and express section. The following consists provide one complete cycle of his assignment, from September 13-16, 1948.

    Bill Pollard

    Train 32, Sunshine Special, September 13, 1948, called to depart Little Rock Union Station 11:59pm
    MP 7015 E-7 locomotive [note: uncertain whether only a single unit was used, or only the lead unit was listed.]
    MP 4202 baggage
    MP 2572 RPO
    MP 6578 coach
    IGN 6311 coach
    MP 6181 coach
    MP 10031 diner
    Pullman Popocatepetl 8sec-5DBR from Mexico City
    Pullman Rio Guayalejo 10sec-1DR-2Cpt from Mexico City
    Pullman McNamee 12sec-1DR (overflow or group move, possibly from San Antonio)
    MP (Pullman) Eagle Point 14rmt-4DBR (from Shreveport, Shreveport to Texarkana on KCS #16, on at Texarkana)
    Pullman Lake Okeechobee 10sec-1DR-2Cpt (from El Dorado, on #822 to Gurdon, on at Gurdon)
    Pullman Lone Star 12sec-1DR from Little Rock (Little Rock setout sleeper, open for occupancy 10pm)
    Pullman Crucero 10sec-1DR-2 Cpt (from Lake Charles on #102, on at Little Rock)
    Pullman Rio Papagayo 10sec-1DR-2 Cpt (from Hot Springs on #832, on at Little Rock)
    MP 6563 coach (from Hot Springs on #832, on at Little Rock)

    Train 3, the Ozarker, September 14, 1948, called to depart Poplar Bluff 12:30pm
    MP 6610 4-6-2
    Frisco 64 express
    T&P 1718 mail
    MP 2013 mail
    MP 2567 RPO
    MP 2014 mail & baggage
    MP 4247 express
    MP 6227 coach
    T&P 1360 coach
    MP 10907 cafe-parlor-coach

    Train 1st 8 Sept 15, 1948, called to depart Little Rock Union Station 4:15pm. All cars to St. Louis unless otherwise noted
    MP 7001 E-3 locomotive [note: uncertain whether only a single unit was used, or only the lead unit was listed.]
    PA 7718 mail
    MP 86174 mail
    T&P 1120 mail
    MP 2131 RPO
    IGN 335 coach
    T&P 1509 coach
    IGN 425 coach
    MP 6325 coach
    MP 10241 diner
    Pullman Little Gap 14sec
    Pullman Crowley 10sec-1DR-2Cpt (to Chicago over GM&O)

    Train 31 Sept 15, 1948, departed Poplar Bluff 10:37pm
    MP 7014 E-7 locomotive [note: uncertain whether only a single unit was used, or only the lead unit was listed.]
    PA 3066 mail Texarkana
    MP 2572 baggage & mail Texarkana
    Pullman 2466 tourist sleeper San Antonio
    MP 334 coach San Antonio
    MP 6332 coach San Antonio
    Pullman Nevado De Toluca 8sec-5DBR Mexico City
    Pullman Rio Balsas 10sec-1DR-2 Cpt Mexico City
    MP 10050 diner San Antonio
    MP 10306 Xochimilco lounge San Antonio
    Pullman Paris Gibson 8sec-1DR-2Cpt to El Dorado (off at Gurdon AR)
    Pullman Lake Chabot 10sec-1DR-2 Cpt to Lake Charles (off at Little Rock)
    MP 6568 coach Lake Charles (off at Little Rock)
    MP 6312 coach Hot Springs (off at Little Rock)
    Pullman Rio Grijalva 10sec-1DR-2 Cpt Hot Springs (off at Little Rock)

    Train 831 September 16, 1948 depart Little Rock 2:10am, arrive Hot Springs 4:00am
    MP 5316 4-8-2
    MP 4267 baggage
    MP 3610 baggage-coach
    MP 6312 coach (from St Louis train 31)
    Pullman Rio Grijalva 10sec-1DR-2 Cpt (from St Louis train 31)

    Train 832 September 16, 1948, departing Hot Springs 9pm
    MP 5316 4-8-2
    MP 4267 baggage
    MP 3610 baggage-coach
    MP 6312 coach (to St Louis train 32)
    Pullman Rio Grijalva 10sec-1DR-2 Cpt (to St Louis train 32)

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