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  • #5709

    I’m starting on a C&EI boxcar circa 1979. If you want make one as well following my build you’ll need:
    – Branchline Blueprint 40′ boxcar with an 8′ door (1500 series). These are on eBay and at train shows. I just picked up two at the Lincoln show.
    – Mask Island decal set 87-255 which is available from the company store. http://mopac.org/store/models-and-decals/ho-scale-decals/item/197-mask-island-decal-87-255-c-ei-60150-series-40-boxcar
    – Any spare MP style initials and numbers to renumber the car in the MP 6 digit series.

    First step is to remove the factory lettering. I use Scalecoat’s Unpaint. After removing the paint you’ll need to remove the vertical seams and rivets along the top and bottom of the sides as these cars had welded and not riveted sides. The only rivets on the carbody you want to keep are those on either side of the door opening. I used a single edged razor blade and then wet sanded the sides with 660 Emery paper.



    After I sanded the sides smooth, I put a sewing needle in a pin vice and scribed the vertical and horizontal lines. To smooth the edges on these lines I went over the sides with 0000 steel wool. I need to add some Evergreen plastic below the door track and along the bottom of the carbody and then paint it.

    Here’s the prototype paint specs from Ed Hawkins.
    ACF lot 5381A:
    Glidden Freight Car Red (red-oxide shade) – sides, ends, trucks
    Black car cement – underframe
    Unpainted galvanized steel – roof, running boards, brake step
    Yellow – journal box lids
    White – stencils



    66 degrees in Omaha so out to the paint booth (aka garage) to paint the carbody. I had some Tru-Color Rich Oxide Brown on hand and added some ART yellow to lighten it up. Roof was shot with Tamiya primer and then I used an artist sponge to add some lighter and darker grays. Once the Tru-Color drys I’ll shoot with Tamiya Clear and decal.



    You ever have one of those projects that became snake bit in the middle of it? I’d put down a clear coat of Tamiya for decalling and the large C&EI decals just would not adhere to the car. Every time I put a decal setting solution the decals would crinkle up. I ended up removing the decals with 0000 steel wool and removing the painted sides with a Q-tip and Scalecoar Unpaint.

    Yesterday I repainted the car with TruColor Wabash Freight Car Red and today I sprayed on two coats of the Tamiya Clear for decalling. I’m going to let the clear dry for a few days before tackling the decal again.

    Looking back I don’t believe the sides were glossy enough for the large C&EI letters. Here’s the new paint job with three coats of Tamiya Clear that gave me a high gloss for decals. The decals are a mix from Mask Island decals, black patch added for the restenciled capacity, load limit and light weight. The Mopac numbering is from the Microscale sheet for 50′ slogan boxcars. I’ll let everything dry for a few days and then hit the decals with a flat.


    [attachment=2:zsry62r6]image.jpeg[/attachment:zsry62r6]Update to the C&EI build. Using a mix of the prototype photos I came up with this well weathered scheme. Car was sprayed with thinned Dullcote and allowed to dry for a few days. I then used water based oils to add rust streaks and some rust spots along the cars sides. I used black and brown colored pencils to add more rust spots to match the patterns shown in photos. I’ll seal this with another layer of Dullcote. The roof was weathered before adding the Kadee roof walk using water based oil paints and brown dry pigments. The Branchline roofs can be predrilled with the Kadee 40′ roof walks fitting perfectly.

    I added some additional photos showing weathering using colored pencils and water solutable oil paints. For those attending the annual convention at Jefferson City in October I’ll be giving a clinic on how to weather MP freight cars.



    Here’s another C&EI car I’d like to tackle if I can determine what model company made a 40′ boxcar with these ends.

    Here’s an update to this car. Branchline makes the ends and a riveted carbody (you will have to remove the rivets and scribe panel lines). The C&EI used a roof that was unique to ACF but I found out from Ed Hawkins this roof is not available today but Yarmouth Model Works will be issuing one shortly. Ed saw test shots of the roof at the RPM meet last August.




    your model looks very good. Once again.

    Thanks for showing how to build it.


    Thanks, what’s your latest project?


    Let yourself be surprised – I don’t want to reveal anything before.

    Have just ordered the decals for it.

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