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  • #6464

    I have quite a few duplicate numbers on my 4427 grain car collection.
    I want to renumber, but having trouble matching the number font Proto put on the cars.
    Assuming I strip off the existing numbers, what font would be correct for these cars? And from which decal set(s)?
    And, Proto only made MP cars, T&P and C&EI also had hundreds of these.
    Suggestions please?

    DeSoto, TX

    Charles Duckworth

    You might check out the various MP/TP/CEI covered hopper sets done by Mask Island for renumbering.


    Did all the grain cars share the same number font?
    None of his decals are for 4427 cars. (at least 4 different car types)
    (His Flatcar decals are very good!)
    Nothing I have seen matches the numbers Proto used, so the entire 6-digit number number would need to be replaced.
    DeSoto, TX

    Nathan Obermeyer

    Hubert does a good job of replicating the Mopac font. Any of the covered hopper decal should work for your use to change the numbers as the font was standardized across the freight equipment. I agree, the P2K lettering is all over the place.


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