Home Page Forums Modeling the Missouri Pacific, Texas & Pacific, etc HO Scale Accurail announces a 36′ DS boxcar MP is on the list

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    Charles Duckworth

    Accurail is bringing out a 36′ double sheathed boxcar. One will have steel ends and a fish belly underframe so perhaps we’ll have a plastic car that’s a close stand-in for the MP 120000 boxcars. The model is based on a NYC prototype but the photo looks pretty close to one of the MP cars.


    Richard Ryker
    David Boeschen

    Might have some good potential for those forties-era bunk cars.

    I assume molded-on door and grabs, but at least grabs are easier to carve off than ladders are.

    Ron Merrick


    Steel ends and fish belly pretty close then. Wood ends and fish belly not prototypical , right? I’m going to get quite a few of these cars.

    Charles Duckworth

    @Patrick wrote:

    Steel ends and fish belly pretty close then. Wood ends and fish belly not prototypical , right? I’m going to get quite a few of these cars.

    From the description it sounds like it’s very close to the MP 120000 series. Much easier than trying to find the old Sunshine Models resin kits and definely easier to build.


    Going to get several. Other roads too. Cool boxcars.

    Charles Duckworth

    @Patrick wrote:

    Going to get several. Other roads too. Cool boxcars.

    I don’t recall your time period on your layout. After WW2 many of the Mopac’s 36′ boxcar fleet were down graded to MoW bunk, tool, foreman cars. In 1951 many were rebuilt into Eagle Merchandise cars.


    Generalized 1940’s.

    Charles Duckworth

    @Patrick wrote:

    Generalized 1940’s.

    Mopac had a pretty good size fleet of these in the 1940’s so you could use 2-3 of them.


    Charlie are you going to use the ends and roof to make an Eagle Merchandise car?

    Charles Duckworth

    @Patrick wrote:

    Charlie are you going to use the ends and roof to make an Eagle Merchandise car?

    No, I have a Sunshine Models resin kit I built a couple of years ago. When the MP rebuilt these cars into steel cars they not only replaced the sides with steel panels but changed out the roof to a state of the art steel panel type.


    There is some discussion of MP prototypes for these cars in Ray Breyer’s datasheets which are available here:


    See especially the datasheet for the 1300 series (steel end, fishbelly underframe) and the 1700 series (wood-end, fishbelly underframe) versions.

    IGN and M&NA cars are also mentioned as possible kitbashes.

    Bradley A. Scott


    I’m thinking the fish belly underframes would be a great starting point for a couple of Sedalia Welded Steel Caboose projects, too.

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