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  • #5787
    David Boeschen

    [attachment=1:1ak1mav4]179-10 May 74.tif[/attachment:1ak1mav4]I’m consolidating a thread that started in RPM-Forum Yahoo group, slipped over unintentionally to STMFC and ended over to the MoPac group. Here’s the original thread, from Jim King:

    I have an image of AD&N flat car #810 and it closely matches an ancient
    American Flyer flat car that can easily be updated to match the car. There
    is no reference to any car in the 800-series on Fallen Flags or any other
    web photo resource I’ve found.

    The photo is dated 1968 but the car is obviously MUCH older. Does anyone
    have info about this car, the series it is in or came from, and photos of
    other similar cars?

    I replied:

    Could this be a MoPac car? The 13 stake pockets, the location of the tackboard and the fact that the car class FM is stenciled at the far right end of the side (even though this car is completely repainted) all look like this class of car, which was originally MP 8600-9199.

    Another poster replied that no such cars were in the ORER in 1958 for AD&N.

    Finally, another reply from Jim King: According to an S scaler who lives in the AD&N area, the 1971 ORER lists 15 cars in the 800-835 series for AD&N, all suitable for interchange. The larger series indicates either they had plans to buy 36, actually DID buy 36 cars, or had retired some by 1971. MOW pix of AD&N equipment might show something but I have no contacts who know anything about that road.

    Would someone in the MPHS, maybe yourself, know when the MP cars were sold to the AD&N? I model 1958-60 and it would great if they were gone by then so I can build an AD&N car.

    I posted the following comment on the MoPac Yahoo group: Does anyone know about the possible disposition of around 15 MoPac flatcars to the AD&N (Ashley, Drew & Northern)?

    This would have been late sixties or 1970 or thereabouts, and the cars involved were those 8600-9199 13-stake 41′ flatcars. As near as I can tell, none of these cars ever got an 800000 series number, not as general service flatcars anyway.

    There is a photo under research of a flatcar lettered for AD&N, which looks to me an awful lot like one of these cars.

    Eventually I sent him a scan of a photo I had. I’m attaching another photo I took, of a car repainted by MP for MoW service. I’m also reposting the photo that Jim King attached to the RPM-Forum original post.

    Bill Pollard replied, and I’m taking the liberty of re-posting his message in the body of this one:

    Per your inquiry on the MP Yahoo group, are you looking for the origin
    of AD&N flatcars 800-832, later expanded to 800-835?

    I sent an inquiry to Russell Tedder (perhaps you had also… he said he
    had recently gotten an inquiry about AD&N flat 810). Russell said that
    the flats were gone by the time he came to the AD&N in 1976, but he gave
    some hope that the AFE files of the AD&N still survive in a museum or
    library and might provide the answer.

    I checked equipment registers, such as I have, and the AD&N cars
    appeared by July 1963 (were not present in mid-1960 register — I have
    none in between). The 1963 Register shows 800-832, while the 1966
    register shows 800-835, so 3 additional cars were acquired by AD&N.
    MoP’s roster of their 8600-8995 cars was cut in half from 1960-1963, so
    its possible that AD&N was a recipient of a few of them.

    All this might be good info for permanent archiving… could you repost
    your question on the MPHS Forum page and then we can follow up with more
    info there as it is developed.

    If you have developed any other info since your original inquiry, I
    would be interested.

    Pardon the rambling, but this was the easiest way I had to transfer all these posts into one place. Any further information is appreciated.

    Ron Merrick

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