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  • #5402

    In the facebook group “ALCO Locomotive Operators” I found a photo of a FA-1 painted in Jenks blue.

    For me the first time to see that.

    Does someone know how many FAs have been repainted and which locos that have been ?

    Nathan Obermeyer

    Which road number FA-1 did you see that was repainted to Jenk’s blue? I looked at Kevin EuDaly’s “Missouri Pacific Diesel Power” and it shows that all of the FA-1s were retired in 1961 or 1962 and it doesn’t list any as receiving Jenk’s blue. However FA-2 335 and 382 did wear Jenk’s blue. It shows all of the FA-2 (FPA-2s also) were retired by 1962. I would be interested in seeing the photo of a FA-1 in Jenk’s blue.


    Richard Ryker


    Jim Boyd, in “Missouri Pacific in Color Vol 2” , page 10, has a photo of FA2 #382 in Dark Eagle Blue. The photo was taken at North Little Rock 7/10/61. It is very blue!

    Does anyone have proof of other FAs in Dark Eagle Blue?

    Dick Ryker


    OK, then I was wrong and the loco on the Picture was a FA-2.

    Thanks for help.


    You need to join the Facebook group ‘Alco Locomotive Operators’ to see the image, but if the one I found is the one Joerg is referring to, I think he is right and it does look like an FA1.

    Shuttered section of radiator looks to be hard up against the rear of the loco and the rear fan is pretty much too, which I thought indicated an FA1 (FA2 has an extra section of grille behind the shuttered section and it and the fan are further forward.)


    Hopefully someone more expert than me can go have a look and comment.


    Ben Scanlon

    David Boeschen

    Those two units are the only ones I have ever seen photos of in Jenks blue. It’s possible these two were in the shop when the paint scheme changed, but before the decision to go all-EMD was made. It’s certainly possible there could have been one or two others not ever photographed, but probably not any more than that.

    Ron Merrick


    Hi Ron

    Thanks for giving some more clarification on this.

    Regards, Ben

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