Home Page Forums Modeling the Missouri Pacific, Texas & Pacific, etc HO Scale Athearn RTR retooled SD40 loco

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    Nathan Obermeyer

    I just saw the announcement from Athearn announcing Missouri Pacific SD40 locomotives with the new retooled SD40 tooling. They are offering two models in the original road numbers and two with the later 4 digit 3000 series numbers. Each are offered with and without sound.




    Those units look really nice, BTW…they did a great job on the new SD40 shell, Cab, and frame.

    It is set up for a Genesis Motor upgrade, too…if desired by the modeler.


    Saw them in person at STL RPM…Chris P and Co. did an excellent job on them…with help from Brian Banna…

    The SD40 is now firmly in Athearn’s Camp, IMO. All that is needed is a nice tread plate kit for the decking…and your off to the races.


    FYI they’re available now. I thought they were delayed, but model train stuff has them in. Can’t wait to get them

    Davi Blodgett


    Well, That means I have to call the good folks in Deshler Nebraska on Tuesday!
    I ordered two of them, one will probably stay in full MoPac blue, as there were still a few of them out there on UP in 1988, but the other one will be an ex-MoPac unit, patched as one of the C&NW’s “Blue-Devil” units, the 3044. It was the only one that still had the large Eagle on the side as a C&NW unit, so…..:~)

    Dan Schmidt


    OK…I’m going to renumber the 3039 I have on order to the 3044, and do the C&N patch to it.
    I also have a #738 on order, and now am wondering, which MoPac SD40 was the last to wear its large Eagle on the side, and when did it loose it??
    Just out of curiosity…did it get changed to an Eagle on the cab/large numbers on the side, or did it go directly to MoPac Canary, as some SD40s did??

    Dan Schmidt

    Nathan Obermeyer


    After going through the photos of the SD40 that I have, a large number of the 90 SD40s the Mopac owned received a full repaint with the majority occurring in the 1978-1982 time frame. Some were not repainted and wore the original paint scheme until they were retired, etc. If you have a specific number in mind, I can look at my photos and see if it was repainted or not. I do have photographic evidence that 3039, 3051, and 3053 all had the “double eagle”. 3051 was interesting as it had it’s original paint in March 1975, a double eagle prior to April 1976, and full Screaming eagle with large numbers by January 1978.


    @Dan Schmidt wrote:

    OK…I’m going to renumber the 3039 I have on order to the 3044, and do the C&N patch to it.
    I also have a #738 on order, and now am wondering, which MoPac SD40 was the last to wear its large Eagle on the side, and when did it loose it??
    Just out of curiosity…did it get changed to an Eagle on the cab/large numbers on the side, or did it go directly to MoPac Canary, as some SD40s did??

    Dan Schmidt


    Thanks for that, Nate.
    So far, the #3044 is the only one I have ID’ed as still having the original large Eagle on it side that late, and only know that by virtue of it being that way when it was patched to C&NW, and, IIRC from conversation on the C&NW list, it was the only unit having the Eagle in that group C&NW leased from VMV in late 1988-early 1989.

    …who surely doesn’t need one with a 700-class number on it. :~)

    Dan Schmidt


    A bit of a shift in my plans for my SD40s.
    The 3039 will keep its number, and then receive the extra Eagle on the cab, and the 738 will be the unit to get renumbered.
    I just decided, whether it fits my time frame or not (and it don’t) I’d like to have a “Double-Eagle” SD40, so it’ll be the 3039.

    Now I have another question….
    What was the status of the rear number boards on these two units at the time they left the MoPac??
    Intact with numbers or with no numbers in them?

    Dan Schmidt

    Nathan Obermeyer


    Good to hear about your plans for the 3039 model. I have attached a June 1984 photo of 3039 with the double Eagle. You can see it still has the rear chevrons. I would imagine the rear number boards would have been painted over as called for by the revised practice.

    738 was renumbered to 3038.

    It looks like both were retired in July 1984.



    Yeah…I don’t know what it is with my modeling direction(s) sometimes.
    I seem to have gotten into a mode of wanting to do a LOT of one off models lately.
    I will like having the 3039 “Double Eagle” though.
    Good thing is, at least doing the other unit as an ex-MoPac unit, leased to C&NW fits my late summer 1988 modeling era…for the time being, anyways.<g src=” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />

    Dan Schmidt


    Yes, retired from the MoPac, but not from useful service.
    Both were in the group of SD40s leased by C&NW from VMV Industries.
    The 3038 (along with the 3040) even got the full VMV scheme applied to it, not long before it came to the C&NW.
    My plans are to do one or the other of those two as well, for my 1988 era modeling.

    Dan Schmidt

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