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  • #6259
    Joe Pauley

    In trying to determine my mix of MoP boxcars on my layout I was looking at my photos and am having a hard time determing the timing of the 3 different styles I have. I thought I had read it on here somewhere but have been unable to find it. The latest boxcar I have a photo of that shows Missouri Pacifc spelled out ( new) is 1917 and the earliest I have with both the MP and Missouri Pacific spelled out is 1924. Are there official dates for the implementation of the MP and the phase out of the name spelled out?



    R. D. LaVoise


    I model 1929 and I too have been somewhat perplexed as to which lettering schemes would be appropriate for my era. Since in this era wood cars were repainted about every 7 to 10 years I figure there are at least 3 lettering schemes.

    Mid-teens – Large MISSOURI PACIFIC above the numbers left side of car
    1924 – Smaller MISSOURI PACIFICI plus MP initials above number on left side of car
    1926 – addition of the Buzzsaw to the upper right side
    Late 29, early 30 the MISSOURI PACIFIC above the reporting marks was dropped

    The addition of the MP initials I believe was in response to ARA lettering recommendations from 1923. I may be off on the date as I am at work and my reference material is at home.

    And that is just on the major lettering of road name and reporting marks. Start looking at the capacity, weight, reweigh, height and length stencils there is much more variety with a mix of MCB and ARA styles being used in the 1920’s.

    I can find no official info on exactly when the MP implemented the various lettering styles began and ended. It would be great to locate offical lettering diagrams for this era.

    If any one has more information let us know. I’d like to get good example with the goal of having decals (HO) made for this era.

    Joe Pauley


    Thanks for the timeline. I have someone who will make me some decals but i need to find the sizes of them over the changes.



    Thank you for this great information. I would love to have the same for the Frisco.

    -Bob T.

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