Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical Buildings & Structures Bridges in Clarksville, AR.

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    I’m trying to find some information on build dates and major updates/replacements of a couple bridges in Clarksville, AR. More specifically, the bridge that used to cross Spadra Creek, and a trestle that’s still standing that crosses what’s called “Craven Branch”. I’ve been told that the trestle is bridge #272.


    I grew up in Clarksville.
    Up until I left, the Spadra creek bridge was the same wood trestle.
    For me it was always the same bridge. So replacement would have been mid 50’s or earlier
    Some time after I left in 1972, the rail from College street to end of track was replaced with a road.
    The road bridge for Cherry street was put in in the 60’s. (Just downstream of the RR bridge)
    My house was across the street from the Station.
    Never took a single picture of a train. Stupid teenager!
    My earliest memory is of my Dad running out to mail a letter by handing it to the RPO car agent.

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