Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical Freight Operations & Equipment Coal Mines on the MP – Circular 275

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  • #5895
    Bill Pollard

    Missouri Pacific at one time published a list of coal mines located on line. This publication, known as Circular 275, was revised from time to time, thus the different letter suffix. Circular 275-Y, issued August 3, 1964, is posted here. Earlier editions of Circular 275 would make a great reference source in the MPHS archives! Thanks to Norbert Shacklette for scanning his copy and allowing its posting to the MPHS Forum.

    Bill Pollard

    [attachment=0:35ttxr8p]Circular-275-Y-COAL MINES-s.pdf[/attachment:35ttxr8p]


    Thank you for posting this, it fills in quite a lot of uncertainty I had about MoPac served coal mines.

    Mark Hemphill


    This is great, I had no idea that there were any coal mines at all in Arkansas. Not only that, some of them appear to load only 3 or 4 hoppers a day, very much a size suitable for a small layout. I’m already thinking of putting one somewhere. I have about 40 or so MP 1940s hoppers that now might have a chance to serve something. PF


    Look up the history of Spadra Arkansas. High quality coal seam, but 1-2 inches deep. Not sure when those coal mines closed, but I think early 1900’s.
    I heard several stories about Spadra growing up close by in Clarksville.


    This exact file is included in a data CD that is offered in the MPHS Company Store.


    Bill Pollard

    Some of the Spadra mines were open into the early 1960s. I visited the depot there shortly before it was razed about 1965, and the coal loading facilities were still present.

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