Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical Passenger Operations & Equipment Collecting Jenks era Public Timetables

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  • #6541
    Bill Pollard

    Collecting MoPac passenger timetables in the D.B. Jenks era (February 1961 and later) doesn’t have the same “flash” as prior timetables, but they still document an important period showing the decline of passenger service before Amtrak. There are a few variations which are not immediately apparent unless you look past the actual issue date of the timetable. All of these are still readily available at reasonable cost. A listing of the known “Jenks era” timetables follows, along with the variations thereof. Do other variations exist?

    Bill Pollard

    September 24, 1961- brown cover, train artwork is still traditional Eagle
    September 24, 1961 – white cover, condensed version

    July 1, 1962 – supplement – MP and T&P – the first “joint” timetable; last T&P public TT issued 1-21-1962
    October 28, 1962 – supplement
    December 1962 – grey cover, MP and T&P joint, train artwork reflect Jenks blue paint styling

    1963 – no public timetables issued

    Spring-Summer 1964 – blue and pink color, T&P logo is now buzzsaw, most recent timetable effective date is 2-27-1964
    Fall-Winter 1964 – same cover as Spring 1964. Version 1, tables 2 and 3 have effective date of 8-16-1964 for El Paso service
    Version 2, tables 2 and 3 have effective date of 11-14-1964 for El Paso service

    April 1, 1965 – dark blue cover with red buzzsaw – has table 11 showing Little Rock-Memphis service
    April 1, 1965 – same cover, but inside date (8-27-65) – does not have table 11, Memphis service discontinued

    May 15, 1966 – red cover with blue buzzsaw

    January 1, 1968 – dark blue cover with red buzzsaw
    September 3, 1967 – red cover with blue buzzsaw

    September 1, 1968 – light blue cover with blue buzzsaw – slogan on front changed from West-South-Southwest to Midwest-South-Southwest

    1969 – no public timetables issued

    February 1, 1970 – blue cardstock timetable featuring Mo-Pac and “screaming Eagle” logo. St. Louis-Kansas City service on front, St. Louis to Laredo
    service on back.
    February 1, 1970 – blue cardstock timetable, St Louis-Kansas City service on front, blank on back

    Service from Texarkana to Laredo was discontinued September 21, 1970. On November 11, 1970, schedule of train No. 2 (Texarkana-St. Louis) was modified with a later Texarkana departure to allow a single set of equipment to operate St. Louis-Texarkana-St. Louis without lengthy layover in Texarkana. The resulting schedule closely approximated the schedule of train No. 4 which had been discontinued in November 1968. No public timetable was ever issued showing this schedule, the only record being limited newspaper advertising and Official Guide entries. Some ticket offices continued to distribute timetables with the Texarkana-Laredo service marked out, and a few stations prepared mimeographed Texarkana-St. Louis schedules which were stapled to be back of the card timetables.

    May 1, 1971 – blue cardstock timetable issued by MP for NRPC, St. Louis-Kansas City schedule on front, New York/Washington-St Louis schedules on back

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