Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical Passenger Operations & Equipment Colorado Eagle June 28, 1942

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    Charles Duckworth

    Colorado Eagle Number 3 near Wolhurst, Colorado on the DRGW June 28, 1942. E-6A 7002. Preston George photograph.

    Train began operations on June 21,1942 so Mr. George caught the CE just 7 days after it started.

    Jerry Michels

    Fine looking train!

    David Boeschen

    Let me see if I have the consist right — behind the power is a baggage car, two coaches, a diner, two St. Louis lightweight sleepers and the Wichita heavyweight sleeper.

    I have an October 31, 1943 timetable that shows this consist, but also with a grill coach, presumably heavyweight and located ahead of the diner, two 6-6-4 lightweight sleepers, the 8-1-3 heavyweight Pullman from Wichita and, interestingly, another 8-1-3 from St. Louis, which is noted as “Operates every other day”. I assume these were the three Tower cars, Shrine Tower, Temple Tower and Beacon Tower, which later became Thrift-T-Sleepers.

    At this time there were still trains 23-24, the Royal Gorge, which operated St. Louis-Pueblo and connected with the Rio Grande train through the mountains, but, with an eight hour or so layover in Pueblo, would also get you to Denver. Presumably this train carried the RPO during this period.

    Ron Merrick

    Gary Herron

    For those interested…there is a Coach Yard set of this train on Ebay now, starting at just over $8,000. HO scale.
    E7 A, B, B and 10 cars.

    Just as info.

    Cliff Kierstead

    [attachment=0:1xckewta]St Louis Colorado Eagle E-units.jpg[/attachment:1xckewta]That photo shows the “cowcatcher” in the light color. There have been photos of the Colorado Eagle units with a dark blue “cowcatcher” as here which I thought I had heard were unique to the CE units and I always thought were that way originally before later being changed to the lighter color as all other E-Units had. Did they switch to the dark blue later & then back?

    Thanks. Cliff Kierstead

    Jerry Michels

    Hi Cliff, The blue “cowcatcher” history is somewhat difficult, but at one time or another the scheme was applied to the E3s, E6s, and the first E7. Some units had white then blue then white. I did an article in the Eagle on these a few years back. Jerry Michels

    Charles Duckworth


    Clear view of the DRGW and MP lettering. Looks like the pilot took a pretty hard hit at some point.

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