Home Page Forums Modeling the Missouri Pacific, Texas & Pacific, etc HO Scale Decals available for the TP FMC 4526 Covered Hopper

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  • #5385
    Charles Duckworth

    The MPHS store got in several sets of decals for the FMC 4526 covered hopper, you can do two cars with this set. The art work and small lettering is very well done.


    They aren’t in the company store yet but if you want a set they are $6 with free postage. Just mail a check to
    Missouri Pacific Historical Society
    16318 Valley Street
    Omaha, NE 68130

    Add a note what the check is for..

    The Walthers car is called, ‘Pullman -Standard PS2CD 4427 cu ft covered hopper. This is the same body as the ‘FMC 4526 covered hopper’. The end and side ladders/angle bracing need to be lowered or eliminated, and believe the T&P cars were delivered with the brake wheel in the lower position.

    Link below to the Walthers description and photo…from catalog:


    The car series shows as discontinued. Probably because they were kits, but are on eBay for $9 to $10…they were all decorated for grain companies or CB&Q.


    That means, you can also use a P2K 4427 hopper as base car ?

    Charles Duckworth

    No, the decals are for the covered hopper with the large gaps near the middle of the car body. You’ll need to use the Walthers model.

    Here’s the decals on the company store



    Use the ExactRail PS 4427 Low side…and the Plano Rebuild kit…and you can get very close to the FMC car.




    Charles Duckworth

    Anyone have photos of these cars in MP service with the T&P buzz saw for decalling reference?



    I’ve seen photo’s and the cars with TP reporting marks, but with the MP buzzsaw. Since they were built in 1967, they might not have ever had a T&P buzzsaw. I hope someone has a photo of a total T&P car…there are some later photo’s on the Screaming Eagles web site. (I think they have MP reporting marks)

    Gary H. – Omaha, NE

    Charles Duckworth

    Hubert Mask generally works off prototype photos when he designs his decals. He’ll be at Collinsville this week and we can ask him. I’m definitely not a modern Mopac modeler so am not sure when the T&P buzz saw was discontinued but the road itself was around until July 1976 when all the subsidiaries were finally ‘merged’ into the Mopac. The exception being the DK&S.

    Nathan Obermeyer

    I provided the photos for Hubert for the TP FMC 4626. I have five Exactrail 4427s that I want to convert to the FMC 4526. Project has stalled due to moves, but I wanted to ensure I had accurate decals for the project. Unfortunately I heard from Hubert and he has a death in the family and won’t be attend the Collinsville meet. A side note he asked about doing a decal for the Mopac KO&G International caboose (Wright Trak model).

    I have a good quality photo of the FMC 4526 from 1970 in Topeka, Ks, and I don’t recall that it had the large T&P buzzsaw decal. I’m brining my computer so I can to share with anyone at the Collinsville meet this weekend.


    Charles Duckworth

    Do you think of the photos you supplied to Hubert one may have had the T&P buzz saw?

    Nathan Obermeyer

    It does not have the T&P buzzsaw.


    @cduckworth wrote:

    Do you think of the photos you supplied to Hubert one may have had the T&P buzz saw?

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