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  • #5821

    I just picked up two framed posters marked Missouri Pacific Lines at the bottom. They appear to promote destinations the railroad served. Based on the size and frame style I would guess these were displayed in depots, although the seller thought they came out of a dining car.

    Anyone have more info about these?

    Anyone have other prints in this series that they can post pictures of. I would like to know how many different posters were made.

    Charles Duckworth

    Besides yours here’s the ones I’ve seen all with oak frames and fake metal plaque on the print.
    – old Mexican Market scene (vertical)
    – The Alamo (horizontal)
    – Mopac General Office at 13th & Olive (vertical)
    – the Royal Gorge (vertical)
    – the Sunshine Special (updated version of the 6434 being renumbered to 6615 and bell and headlight moved). (Horizontal)
    – the Colorado Rockies scene with the young woman (vertical)

    While working in Hoisington in 1977 they had two black & white Mexican market scenes hanging in the waiting room. They were with metal frames and not very attractive.

    These were hung in depot waiting rooms andd sales department offices.

    Charles Duckworth

    Here’s the Royal Gorge print in the original oak frame.


    Bill Pollard

    I have seen these prints from time to time at train shows, and always thought that the colors looked faded. Now, seeing so many of them, I wonder whether those muted colors were just the way the prints were made. Has anyone seen any of these in brighter colors, or taken the print apart to refinish the frame and found the “hidden” part of the print to be a different color?

    Bill Pollard

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