Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical General Feb 4, 1913 train crash

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    I’m looking for information on a train crash my GG Grandfather died in. He was an engineer for MPRR. He was actually in two crashes, and survived the first. I’m finding information to be very hard to come by and have been recommended to try here. Any information or leads is appreciated.

    My GGGF name is Joseph Altemueller.

    The accident he was injured in occurred on/around Feb 28, 1909. I can only find reference to it in a newspaper article stating he was recovering well from his injuries.

    He died in a MP train crash on Feb 14, 1913 near Cole Camp, Mo. The conductor, a Patrick Curran, also died. The fireman, Harry Simonds, jumped and survived. The engine and two freight cars left the track and the passenger car remained on the track. This information is from a newspaper article in the Sedalia Democrat.

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