Home Page Forums Modeling the Missouri Pacific, Texas & Pacific, etc HO Scale For Immediate Release: Fallen Flags Series from Walthers

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    I know that this is not exactly a new topic for most folks on this forum. But, here is the official announcement from Walthers which was received, yesterday.

    Walthers is pleased to announce its new Fallen Flags series of HO Scale streamliners, typical of smaller flagship trains on many lines from the 1950s to the 1970s. Roadnames will include Delaware & Hudson, Denver & Rio Grande Western(tm), Erie Lackawanna, Missouri Pacific(tm) and Nickel Plate Road, with the first cars arriving this October.

    Attached is a full press release with additional information. Please let me know if you have any questions, or would be interested in reviewing any of these trains for your publication or historical society.

    Best Regards,

    Kara Yanacheck
    Project Manager – Marketing Communications
    Wm. K. Walthers, Inc.

    [attachment=0:815bfv0b]FALLEN FLAGS PR.pdf[/attachment:815bfv0b]


    wonder if they have the right small windows?

    Because as far as I know, the MP had cars portholes instead of small square windows.

    Richard Ryker

    Joerg –

    Your first guess is correct. I have mixed feelings about the announcement. While it nice to know there will be a group of passenger cars painted and lettered for Missouri Pacific, I’m disappointed that none of the cars are new specifically to this series and many are simply stand-ins for a similarly designed car.

    Most critical flaw – not a porthole on any car!

    The Missouri Pacific offerings painted as “The Eagle” will include:
    Alco PA1
    70′ ACF mail storage/baggage w/ modernized doors “Missouri Pacific Lines” (re-release of MoPac car)
    85′ Pullman-Standard coach (not MoPac, B&O prototype)
    85′ Pullman-Standard diner (not MoPac, Illinois Central prototype)
    85′ Budd dome (not MoPac, Canadian Pacific “Skyline” prototype)
    85′ Pullman Standard 10-6 sleeper plan 4140, PRR Texas Eagle pool car
    85′ Pullman Standard 5-bedroom lounge (not MoPac, actually a PRR 6 bedroom lounge converted to 5 bedrooms)

    At least this is a step in the right direction, but a 14-4 would have been great for MoPac, B&O and KCS.


    Also, I have to wonder why they didn’t “re-issue” their 6-6-4, which they have already done in Eagle colors (but with purchaser applied names)…
    Four of these cars did run on the MP….
    I guess we are lucky just to get a MP train.

    Gary H. – Omaha, NE


    I’m not much of a passenger train enthusiast, but I do believe in a reasonable amount of accuracy for any model. With that said, I’m terribly disappointed with Walthers for not doing a better job with these passenger cars. I know that several folks within the MPHS did everything they possible could to assist Walthers in getting this right. For whatever reasons, they chose not to take full advantage.

    The good news is that they did make an effort to create a MP train. There will be many buyers that will be happy with it, regardless of the accuracy. One can only hope that this leads to something better for all concerned.


    Gary and Dick,

    for me the missing portholes are a no-go.

    For cars of this price range I expect correct windows.

    If not my old rebuild IHC cars will be the better choice for me.

    Charles Duckworth

    I’d contacted Walthers twice on doing the Missouri River Eagle and was told it was on their ‘maybe’ list. I don’t recall their exact wording but this pretty much sums up their response. While I don’t like the ersatz Mopac cars it will be nice to see the PA offered again. Walthers did contact me about the correct painting of the dome car and Ed Hawkins supplied them with a Budd painting diagram.

    On the positive side, by doing a Mopac passenger train, maybe the awareness of our favorite road will gain us a few new MPHS members. Most of those who purchase in our hobby don’t really care if a prototype for one road is painted in Mopac if they like the railroad they’ll buy the set.


    I just got notice that my order for the new walthers cars was canceled.
    Seems they have canceled the entire “Fallen Flags” series. Only weeks after announcement.

    Something bad must have happened….


    It means two things ….

    1. Model railroading in general is not doing well, and interest in older equipment is confined to dwindling numbers of older hobbyists.

    2. There weren’t enough orders to move forward. This has happened several times to me with intermountain. They float trial balloons for historic equipment and then cancel, but in contrast they offer every $@??!!,’!! stack train container on earth.

    Charles Duckworth

    I have to think the negative press in the various forums and user groups probably got Walthers rethinking their marketing of ersatz passenger trains.

    As to the hobby not doing well you should attend one of the RPM meets. There were 2,000 models on display and 380 attendees. Clinics were held all day Friday and Saturday. Here’s a link to the models.


    The MPHS had three tables and sold over $1,200 and we picked up some new members.


    I keep forgetting I live in the model railroad desert. I resigned from my club because it turned into a toy train museum. If you don’t count Bill Herbert, I know of maybe 4 other serious model railroaders within 100 miles.


    Charlie those RPM pictures are making my eyeballs contra rotate. What’s the closest one of these meets ever get down this way? I’m still working and can’t travel much….. Yet.

    Charles Duckworth

    Here’s a link to the various meets around the country.


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