Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical MP/T&P Memorabilia Green Checkers china

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  • #5834
    Bill Pollard

    This really plain china was supposedly used in MoPac eating houses, probably after MP took over the operation from Van Noy Railroad News Service. Does anyone have photos of this china in use anywhere? If you have a piece in your collection, please describe the size/shape in a posting on this thread – so we can determine how many different pieces were manufactured. The verified MoPac pattern was supplied by Ford Restaurant and Hotel Supply in St. Louis. An almost identical pattern was made by Jackson China and supplied by St. Louis Glass & Queensware Co; MoPac usage of the Jackson china is circumstantial at this point.

    Bill Pollard


    Charles Duckworth

    Here’s a divided green checkers plate (11 1/2” x 7”) with the backstamp. I guess ham and white beans in the center portion, corn bread to the left, peach cobbler upper right and collard greens in the bottom right corner.



    Bill Pollard

    That is an unusual piece. As for the menu which you suggested, sign me up!

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