Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical Buildings & Structures Help identifying a MP Depot

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    Does this depot look familiar to anyone? I am hoping to determine what MP depot this is a model of. It was scratch built by Joe Collias and I was told it was a depot in Kansas. Here’s hoping someone can help me.

    Gene Semon

    David Boeschen

    Really wild guess: Hardtner.


    Charles Duckworth

    It strongly resembles Bonair, Arkansas (page 119 in the Iron Mountain book) but the freight door doesn’t match. MP/IM apparently didn’t stay with the ‘V’ type bay window design very long as there aren’t many photos around of this type.

    I might be wrong but rather than scratch built I think this is one of Bill Hoss’ LJM kits that never reached production. The clue is the laser cut windows and trim pieces. This is obviously not to take away from Joe’s master building as he did scratch build a lot of brass locomotives, freight cars and structures.



    Thanks. I hadn’t thought to look in the IM book. It appears Joe could have used this as this depot as the basis for a model, just added some length to it. His Russellville depot appears to be a compressed version of the IM depot.


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