Home Page Forums Modeling the Missouri Pacific, Texas & Pacific, etc HO Scale Help with photos of DeSoto gons

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  • #6568
    David Boeschen

    I’ve done it again — I’m working on some kits and don’t have my resources. Specifically, I could use a couple of pages of the article on MP steel gons 1912-1960 by Carson Houston, from the Fall 2009 Eagle (2009:3). I’d copied a lot of the modeling articles for things I’m building, but I’m in Houston and all the reference material is in Wichita. I’m looking for the pages with photos and data on the DeSoto-built 52′ gons (MP 5200-5299, 21000-21899, and 25000-25499, StLB&M 11000-11599 and 11650-11899, I-GN 12000-12499 and 12550-12799. Renumbered cars would have been in the 610000 series. Any other photos showing the ends would help.

    Some later photos on line show a couple of steel straps welded vertically across the end corrugations, as stiffeners. Those were later additions, as it appears. Any idea when these were added?


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