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  • #5739

    Everyone talks about the swamp holly scheme but not this one. Is it prototypical? I found a couple for sale.


    Charles Duckworth

    I don’t have any of my T&P books with me but yes this is accurate for the T&P. Here’s a post on Mopac.org on some details behind the change from Swamp Holly Orange and black to Eagle blue and gray.



    Then it appears that this grey and white scheme is the same stenciling as swamp holly, and is an iterim scheme between swamp holly and Jenks blue that started in 1959, right?

    If so it is a little late for my layout but I am getting one or two anyway.

    Charles Duckworth

    Jenks Blue started in 1961. I bought two of these last year. They run and sound great.


    I just ordered two from your friends Spring Creek Model Trains.

    I don’t run diesels on my own layout but I have been visiting a guy I met who is building a layout centered on the New Orleans TP MP terminal, and I’ve been running my two Genesis blue/grey MP GP 9’s over there. Yes they run and sound great , the detail is unbelievable, and I might have to start running these Geeps at my house.

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