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Home Page › Forums › Prototype and Historical › General › : KO&G relocation in NE Okla
7 JUNE 2023 RE: KO&G relocation in NE Okla
Am finding disagreement sources concerning the relocation of Kansas, Oklahoma & Gulf around the lakes in far northeastern Oklahoma.
A. The long-standing location had crossed to the east side of the Neosho (or Grand) River north of Wagoner, then, proceeding north, KO&G stayed on the east side until once again crossing to the west side of the river at a point about a mile southwest of Pensacola. The 1923 timetable distance between Locust Grove and Wagoner was 22.7 miles.
B. A 1954 U.S. Geological Survey map showed this 40-mile-plus stretch between Wagoner and Pensacola as shifted to the west side of the river. This would have left hamlets such as Yonkers, Murphy, Locust Grove, Salina, and Strain railroadless. As depicted on the USGS map, this relocation put the KO&G line, as it approached Wagoner, on the east side of US 69, and often close to Katy’s main to the west of the highway. A different 1965 USGS map shows the same at Wagoner.
C. However, Oklahoma state road maps do not show a repositioning until the early 1960s, and the change they show is only between Wagoner and Murphy, or roughly the southern one third of this segment.
D. The July 1955 KO&G-MV-OCAA employee timetable shows KO&G still serving Strang, Salina, and Locust Grove, with the same 22.7 miles between Locust Grove and Wagoner.
Does anyone have documentation to support or refute these? thank you, Jim Gattis Please send to email [email protected] , as I’m having trouble with MP BB and cookies.
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