Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical Cabooses M-I Caboose 15

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  • #6169
    Bill Pollard

    This caboose, presumably Missouri Illinois 15, is located on a farm in Villa Ridge, MO. Photos courtesy of Norbert Shacklette. This 2018 view suggests some maintenance is needed.

    Bill Pollard


    Charles Duckworth

    I remember when Six Flags was first open in west St. Louis county of I-44 the lost children spot was a wood M-I caboose. I wonder if this was the same one?

    Joe Pauley

    I’m at work right now and dont have my notes but I talked to the neighbor who was watching the property a few years ago and he said that the caboose was bought directly from the MI. I also talked to the office Mgr at Six Flags and she stated that when they got rid of the wood caboose they dragged it to the back and cut it up on the grounds. She knew of no records or photos of it but did say she was working there when it was removed.


    Bill Pollard

    Norbert Shacklette was working the agent’s job at Washington MO when the caboose came in, and might have more details. The land owner apparently had some connection with an upper level MP official or member of the board of directors.

    Bill Pollard

    Joe Pauley

    While digging around looking for information on the M-I Cabs I found this article about the move. [attachment=0:1zdje99q]MI-15 story April 1970.jpg[/attachment:1zdje99q]

    Joe Pauley

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