Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical Maintenance of Way Missouri Pacific Bunk or boarding cars

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  • #5407
    Charles Duckworth


    Richard Ryker

    The double sheathed cars could be modeled using a Westerfield kit and substitute wood sides with window openings. Hmmm, need to talk to Mr. Bill at Lake Junction Models. It would be a neat mini-kit. Maybe Westerfield could supply a kit without sides??

    Dick Ryker

    Charles Duckworth

    I’m thinking MPX2562 had to have been a former ART reefer like Westerfield makes with that deep fish belly under frame. New sides shouldn’t be too hard to make masters for and then get cast in resin.



    Here are some more Bunk cars and Passenger Coach Bunk Cars.

    MPX 4752 – Photo by Steve McVey – Aurora, Mo. – May 15, 1971.

    MPX 4609 – Photo by Steve McVey – Cricket, Ark. – February 1, 1976.

    MPX 4103 – Photo by Steve McVey – Cricket, Ark. – February 1, 1976.

    MPX 14075 – Photo by Steve McVey – Cricket, Ark. – February 1, 1976.

    MPX 4103 – Photo by Steve McVey – Sedalia, Mo. – October 16, 1977.

    MPX 4609 – Photo by Steve McVey – Aurora, Mo. – October 16, 1976.

    MPX 4387 – Photo by Steve McVey – Aurora, Mo. – May 15, 1971.


    Hey, Steve. Were any of the cars in your photos used by the B&B gang that roamed the Carthage and Cotter Subs.? All the time that I was working in the Carthage area, the foreman on that gang was Bill Roberts. I can’t remember what they had for a bunk car when I started, but they got an upgrade to a newly converted mail storage car (I think that is the correct description) about 1980.


    Some of these cars belonged to Bill Roberts B & B Gang. I know the ones taken at Aurora were part of Bill’s cars. I believe he had about 6 or 7 cars. I have some other photos of his gang, water car, tool car or two and I think a flat car or two. I will get these scanned and posted. The cars at Cricket I think was a different gang. Also if you note there is one cars taken at I believe Cricket and then a year later at Sedalia. I do remember Bill getting a newly rebuild bunk car and I believe it was from one the long baggage or express cars. I believe I have a picture of it. I will scan if I can find it. Knew Bill real well. Would do anything for you.

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