Home Page Forums Modeling the Missouri Pacific, Texas & Pacific, etc HO Scale MoPac 70′ Mail Storage Model

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  • #8646
    Charles Duckworth

    Once I get your broadside shots I’ll work with Hubert on decals.

    Bill Pollard

    This is a nice looking model. I would be interested in feedback from others who have built it, as to the difficulty. The model photos on the company store page show a number on each end of the car. In actuality, the passenger service number would only be on the lower right corner as you view the car, while the freight number was stenciled in various areas of the left panel as you view the car.

    Bill Pollard

    Charles Duckworth

    Not a great photo but in freight service 9/71. So I’d like to pursue a set of decals for the original passenger scheme, this scheme with the freight capacity, load limit and light weight stenciled and then MoW lettering.

    Rons says the original freight numbers on the car sides were 5″ series 135-184
    Buzz saw is 24″
    Assume the freight stenciling is standard 3″. Capacity in the ORER is 75,000 lbs. I don’t have an equipment diagram handy was was the load limit and light weight?
    MoW stenciling?


    Charles Duckworth

    Ok, thought I’d dive in this afternoon and build the basic box. Ends and sides. When the kitchen was remodeled the guys gave us a granite cutting board which made its way down to the basement as it was a perfect sanding surface for resin kits and I didn’t want Mrs dulling her knives on the rock hard surface. As recommended by the instructions I washed the parts in dish detergent to remove any mold release.

    I scraped off the limited resin flash and then lightly removed the remaining flash with wet-dry 400 Emery paper; the resin is soft and this goes very quickly. Then my son’s Lego supply was raided to find some small pieces to beef up the corners and give the ends additional surfaces to glue to. I cut down a Lego and Acc to the sides standing both on a level surface. This step gives you a 90 degree angle to glue the ends to. Hopefully the photos illustrate…[attachment=1:2hg0tdbm]fullsizeoutput_850.jpeg[/attachment:2hg0tdbm][attachment=0:2hg0tdbm]fullsizeoutput_851.jpeg[/attachment:2hg0tdbm]

    Charles Duckworth

    [attachment=3:15xv29st]fullsizeoutput_852.jpeg[/attachment:15xv29st][attachment=1:15xv29st]IMG_6320.JPG[/attachment:15xv29st]Here’s a couple of photos showing this step make sure the Lego is flush with the end of the sides and carve out the roof area so the roof will set flush on top the ends. The top of the ends will match the top of the sides. [attachment=2:15xv29st]fullsizeoutput_853.jpeg[/attachment:15xv29st][attachment=3:15xv29st]fullsizeoutput_852.jpeg[/attachment:15xv29st][attachment=0:15xv29st]fullsizeoutput_854.jpeg[/attachment:15xv29st]

    Charles Duckworth

    Ends are on and square (with the help of the Legos) with the sides. This step is important as you want the four sides to be at 90 degree angles – if not it throws the whole car off. I then glued Evergreen shapes P-3 (.060 x .100) flush with the tops of the sides to give the roof some additional surface to sit on – the resin sides are pretty thin. I then made sure the car ends were centered with the top of the roof and glued these first. I then worked my way down the side of the car making sure the roof was even on both the tops of the sides and ran some thin Acc with a wire along the seams. After this dried, I flipped the car over and used gap filling Acc on the inside seams to add strength to the entire car body. I had three very minor gaps and I filled these with a model putty that’s water soluble – just squeeze a small amount of putty in the seam and dip a Q-tip in water and remove the excess. No sanding required…

    Looking at an NMRA weight table a 70′ model should weigh 5.8 ounces.


    Charles Duckworth

    Photos of the carbody and the putty I used.



    Charlie, thanks for the play by play on building this car. I have done some internet searches for pictures of this car. These cars were rather prolific and lasted a long time. I discovered there were lots of variations in paint scheme, stenciling, etc. Modelers of the ’60s up to the present can probably find a way to put some version of this car on their on layout. The price is right, so buy one, today.

    Patrick Hiatte

    Intriguing! How much per set would the MPHS member price be if we ordered the 15-set minimum?
    I’d have to tally up how many I’d need. Chris, and you HO folks who would use them on vehicles, how about you?

    @cduckworth wrote:

    We’d have to have enough N scale sets to make it worthwhile I normally order 15 sets minimum. To complicate matter Hubert normally does two cars in each set. So can you and Chris get enough orders?


    Intriguing! How much per set would the MPHS member price be if we ordered the 15-set minimum?
    I’d have to tally up how many I’d need. Chris, and you HO folks who would use them on vehicles, how about you?

    Pat, if it would help your cause, put me down for two.

    Charles Duckworth

    Pat and Chris
    After the HO set is finalized would it make more sense to do a N scale Jenks era passenger set with numbers, buzz saws and the 3″ stripe?

    Charles Duckworth

    Here’s a link to information on these cars with several detail photos. Elvin even climbed on the roof and measured the distance front the sides of the roof to the outside of the carbody. Bill Herbert is sending some information he gathered onnthese cars and so is Dr. Bill Pollard – so stay tuned!


    Snowed (again for the third time this week) last night with a high of 10 today so will get some more work done on the model.


    I remember seeing one or two of these cars in Newport AR maybe around the year 2000 or so. 50’ cars look too long on my layout so I won’t be getting one but they are pretty nifty that’s for certain.


    I remember seeing one or two of these cars in Newport AR maybe around the year 2000 or so. 50’ cars look too long on my layout so I won’t be getting one but they are pretty nifty that’s for certain.

    Charles Duckworth

    Stirrups and hand grabs added today. Plus trucks and weight. Waiting on couplers. [attachment=3:3lel88sf]IMG_6343.JPG[/attachment:3lel88sf][attachment=2:3lel88sf]IMG_6344.JPG[/attachment:3lel88sf][attachment=1:3lel88sf]IMG_6345.JPG[/attachment:3lel88sf][attachment=0:3lel88sf]IMG_6346.JPG[/attachment:3lel88sf]

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