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  • #7331

    Your Bagnell Branch looks great. Please post more pictures when you can. I am in the beginning stages of modeling the T&P in West Texas in N scale and your layout is quite an inspiration.

    Charles Duckworth

    [attachment=8:3aj50man]014.JPG[/attachment:3aj50man][attachment=7:3aj50man]016.JPG[/attachment:3aj50man][attachment=6:3aj50man]001.JPG[/attachment:3aj50man][attachment=5:3aj50man]006.JPG[/attachment:3aj50man][attachment=4:3aj50man]041.JPG[/attachment:3aj50man][attachment=3:3aj50man]pp for joplin 024.JPG[/attachment:3aj50man][attachment=2:3aj50man]pp for joplin 029.JPG[/attachment:3aj50man][attachment=1:3aj50man]pp for joplin 012.JPG[/attachment:3aj50man][attachment=0:3aj50man]009.JPG[/attachment:3aj50man]

    Charles Duckworth


    Charles Duckworth

    One of my favorite structures on the layout is the Burris Hotel. Here’s the history behind it.
    [attachment=4:35r6izba]002 – Copy (2).JPG[/attachment:35r6izba][attachment=3:35r6izba]003 – Copy (2).JPG[/attachment:35r6izba][attachment=2:35r6izba]003.JPG[/attachment:35r6izba][attachment=1:35r6izba]005.JPG[/attachment:35r6izba][attachment=0:35r6izba]BurrisHotelphoto.jpg[/attachment:35r6izba]

    Charles Duckworth

    Various shots around Eldon.[attachment=6:ctc7sw7r]005 – Copy.JPG[/attachment:ctc7sw7r][attachment=5:ctc7sw7r]005 (2).JPG[/attachment:ctc7sw7r][attachment=4:ctc7sw7r]048.JPG[/attachment:ctc7sw7r][attachment=3:ctc7sw7r]049.JPG[/attachment:ctc7sw7r][attachment=2:ctc7sw7r]Article-cities-service-end-photo-Eldon.jpg[/attachment:ctc7sw7r][attachment=1:ctc7sw7r]Article-Y-Not-Eat-Cafe.jpg[/attachment:ctc7sw7r][attachment=0:ctc7sw7r]Funits.jpg[/attachment:ctc7sw7r]

    Charles Duckworth

    The little town on Enon occupies the top of the helix.

    [/attachment][attachment=8:1evkplrv]006.JPG[/attachment:1evkplrv][attachment=7:1evkplrv]008 – Copy – Copy.JPG[/attachment:1evkplrv][attachment=6:1evkplrv]009 – Copy (2).JPG[/attachment:1evkplrv][attachment=5:1evkplrv]010 – Copy – Copy – Copy.JPG[/attachment:1evkplrv][attachment=3:1evkplrv]014 – Copy.JPG[/attachment:1evkplrv][attachment=2:1evkplrv]017 – Copy (2).JPG[/attachment:1evkplrv][attachment=1:1evkplrv]024.JPG[/attachment:1evkplrv][attachment=0:1evkplrv]033 – Copy.JPG[/attachment:1evkplrv]Various shots around Enon.


    Every time I see this layout I think I should take up stamp collecting instead.

    Charles Duckworth

    I picked up this Branchline (now Atlas) CB&Q 40′ boxcar at a local train show a couple of weekends ago. It was a bright Chinese Red. To fade the paint I went over the sides and ends with white oil paint (water based, brushed on). The oil paint doesn’t leave any brush marks and if it’s not what you like it can be easily removed with mineral spirits. After the oils dried I sprayed the car with a Dullcote mix of 90% Dullcote and 10% grimy black and roof brown. I airbrushed around the seams, lower part of the car and around the ladders more than the sides.

    The roof walk was removed and I sprayed the roof with Tamiya primer gray to denote an unpainted, galvanized roof. Oils were used for the rust patches with a military dry pigment added to show ‘serious’ rust. After the roof oils were dry it was over sprayed again with the 90/19 Dullcote mixed I mentioned above.

    COTS, U-1 and ACI decals were added to bring the car up to the late 1970’s.




    I like how you paint the roofs.

    Well done.

    Perhaps you can show us your technique.

    Charles Duckworth

    Perhaps you can show us your technique.

    I wrote an article in the April 2012 Model Railroader magazine that covers weathering roofs in detail with photos and material used.

    Charles Duckworth

    Here is my ‘Bankruptcy blue’ boxcar. RI sold several 40′ boxcars to USRE where they were rebuilt and then leased back to the RI. I’m adding a few 40′ boxcars to the 1980s operations as they were somewhat common during the late 1970s and I don’t want a lot of long 50′ cars on the branch.

    This is a factory painted Intermountain kit that I removed the tabs below the carbody and added a 2″ X 10″ piece of Evergreen styrene to match the prototype rebuilding by USRE. I’ll add some weathering at some point to tone down the bright color.


    Am working on a Branchline 8′ door car where it will be painted PC green. Mask Island makes a decal set for the green boxcar.


    Bill Pollard

    Really nice weathering job on the ROCK Geep, shown in the first part of this thread. It gives the appearance of grimy everyday use without being over weathered.

    Charles Duckworth

    The Rock Island 40′ boxcar fleet continues to grow. This is a Branchline 1500 series boxcar with a scratchbuilt door and reinforcement strip added to the carbody. The RI sold their 40′ cars to Evans where they were rebuilt in this configuration and then leased back to the railroad. Tru-Color makes the pale green color TCP-100 and Hubert Mask offers these RI speed lettering decals in his HO line. These are some of the most complete decals I’ve ever used. Weathering done with an airbrush and water based oils and odorless turpentine. Photos show the A and B ends of the model. I need to add the COTS and U-1 stencils and the ACI label before I can call it finished.



    Outstanding work, as usual.


    I second that

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