Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical Locomotives & Other Motive Power Mopac Eagle diesel colors 1939-1955

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  • #5564
    Charles Duckworth

    Saved from the Yahoo Mopac group

    While going through Ray Curl’s collection yesterday I found a card from the
    Mopac Mechanical Department covering the paint numbers for Diesel Loco’s
    (Road). In reviewing the changes you’ll notice a couple of things 1) the
    original blue from 1939 was changed, this hopefully explains the early color
    photos of the 7000-7001 E-3’s (and E-6’s) being a lighter blue than in
    photographs of E-7 through E-8’s and the PA’s.

    Look at Joe Collias’ book Mopac in Color page 44 of the E-6 and compare to
    some of the other units. Obviously the only way to tell for sure is have
    Dupont paint chips of 246-34246 and 254-55074 to see if the hues were
    darker. Interior colors for all years was Suede gray Dulux 83-503. Bill
    Hoss has a color slide that his neighbor took of one of the E-3’s on a
    heavyweight train taken before the streamlined Eagle cars were delivered and
    the blue is definitely lighter than E units delivered after 1947.

    Roof grey wasn’t introduced until December 1949 and for a short seven months
    (9/48 to 3/49 units were to be given a clear coat.

    Paint Original (7000-7001 were delivered 10/22/39)
    Gray 246-34245
    Blue 246-34246
    Yellow 246-52881
    Red 246-9089-R
    Black 88-005
    Clear (none shown)
    Aluminum 246-34793
    Roof grey (none shown)

    Paint as of 10/47
    Gray 254-34245
    Blue 256-55074 (change from above)
    Yellow 254-55073
    Red 246-9089-R
    Black 88-005
    Clear (none shown)
    Aluminum 246-34793
    Roof grey (none shown)

    Paint as of 1/48
    Gray 254-34245
    Blue 256-55074
    Yellow 254-55073
    Red 246-9089-R
    Black 88-005
    Clear (none shown)
    Aluminum 254-4202
    Roof grey (none shown)

    Paint as of 9/48
    Gray 254-34245
    Blue 256-55074
    Yellow 254-55073
    Red 246-9089-R
    Black 88-005
    Clear RK-404
    Aluminum 289-3935 Brush 254-3935 Spray
    Roof grey (none shown)

    Paint as of 3/49
    Gray 254-34245
    Blue 256-55074
    Yellow 254-55073
    Red 83-1863
    Black 88-005
    Clear (none shown)
    Aluminum 166-021 Brush 166-5947 Spray
    Roof grey (none shown)

    Paint as of 12/49
    Dupont Numbers
    Gray 254-34245
    Blue 256-55074
    Yellow 254-55073
    Red 254-9089-R
    Black 254-2234
    Clear (none shown)
    Aluminum 289-3935 Brush 2543935 Spray
    Roof grey 254-55513

    Paint as of 12/49
    Sherwin Williams Numbers
    Gray M5OAC9
    Blue M50LC5
    Yellow M5OHC3
    Red L3 R2
    Black L1 B6
    Clear (none shown)
    Aluminum M5OSC2 Brush M5OSC3
    Roof grey M5OAC8

    Penned in note on the card reads “Std for all diesels D-2671-5380 1/13/55”

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