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  • #5887

    OK I am doing research on the MP 7100 E6 baggage door. Door size I think is 5 ft wide and slides open/ recessed ?.
    I have also seen it flush when closed. Anyone have information on this ? Might it swing open when in a flush condition ?


    Bill Basden Delta Models http://www.deltamodelsusa.com

    Bill Herbert

    Bill, I have the Life Like model of the 7100. The doors are modeled flush so I don’t know how they opened. The doors are 5′ wide and about 5’3” high. I will look to see if I have a photo of it with the door open. The thing runs like a dream and coasts forever when you kill the power.

    Bill Herbert


    thanks bill

    It looks like in swings in on some photo’s to make it flush, I just have a hard time thinking they would do that on a 5′ wide door.

    Other photo’s shoe it recessed and slides open.

    Rock Island photo’s with the baggage door show flush as well.

    Bill Basden

    Bill Herbert

    Bill, You may have already seen these photos but if not here is what I found:

    Route of the Eagles by Greg Stout; Pages 76 and 78.

    Missouri Pacific Passenger Trains by Patrick Dorin; Page 32.


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