Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical MP/T&P Memorabilia MP-T&P order board

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  • #5445

    This good looking MP semaphore order board is for sale. http://www.discoverlivesteam.com/discoverforsale/forsale/1_halverson/index.htm


    There was one just like that in New Iberia La. It just disappeared one day.

    Bill Pollard

    The blades on this semaphore are the older “ribbed” blades (ribbed near the area where the blade mounts to the signal head). Some were later replaced with a flat blade which had to be modified to fit this type of head casting. Does anyone know the manufacturer for any of the train order signals used by MP? Upper quadrant semaphores were standard practice in later years, but early photos of depots often will show lower quadrant train order signals. Is there any documentation on when the signal standard changed?

    Bill Pollard

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