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    News flash! Previously believed unprototypical boxcar discovered!

    The Missouri Pacific Historical Society (MPHS) was rocked recently by the discovery of the existence of a previously unknown boxcar, contradicting all previously member-held beliefs.

    Photographed on the Thunder Grove team track of the Midland Western Railroad, the rare and previously unknown example of a Missouri Pacific Eagle Merchandise Boxcar bore an uncanny resemblance to an Athearn 40′ boxcar, quite larger than the previously known examples.

    One key MPHS member, in shock and speaking from his hospital bed in Omaha, was quoted as saying, “I could have just bought the Athearn car! Why did I wait 25 years to fix the resin kit I had, and go to all that trouble?!!!” Another member, widely known and respected for his precise and scholarly research of prototypical freight cars, stated in somewhat heated tones, “how could I have not known about that car! My reputation is ruined!”

    Much intense speculation is circulating in historical society circles about the origin of this car, and the lack of its corporate documentation, but it is believed to have been mistakenly switched onto the end of other Merchandise cars at the in track at the paint shop, and accidentally omitted from the list of completed work by a shop foreman who possibly had been drinking on the job. The existence of other such cars is unknown at this time, but the length of time taken for this singular example to emerge suggests that it may be the only one.

    Other members of the MPHS are being notified of this incredible and shocking discovery. Further developments in the situation are being monitored by state and local emergency preparedness agencies who all reported that counselors will be available should another example be discovered.

    [attachment=0:1jeh1xq7]Athearn Eagle Merchandise.jpg[/attachment:1jeh1xq7]

    Charles Duckworth

    One has to admit it does look pretty good! At least Athearn got most of the painting details right. All you need to do is look on eBay and there’s bogus 50′ Eagle Merchandise Cars, cars with doors with blue and gray bands, all sorts of odd combinations.

    I figure after I get my next resin car finished we’ll see an accurate RTR model come out.


    Glad to see you out of the hospital Charlie! Have to check on the others.

    Come on now, that story was funny, I’ve been thinking about it for weeks.

    I got that car by accident sight unseen, thought was going to be a regular Route of the Eagles boxcar red car. Oh well. It’s good for a couple of laughs and really good for the traveling club train in the A-Line tray tote, where all my blue box stuff is now.

    I had them all out at the club this morning and you know, for what they are, they are all boxcar red or black with decent paint schemes and look ok at 3 feet. Plus, there’s no delicate detail to break off, those babies can take a whipping.


    Pat, you did a good job with that story. If you have that kind of talent you can do a presentation. ;) I’ll send you an email later this evening.

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