Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical Buildings & Structures Old R.O.W Cleared Out

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    While running an errand earlier yesterday evening, I noticed the forest that engulfed the abandoned part of the r.o.w. of the branch from Crane (White River Route) up to Springfield just south of Battlefield Rd was cleared out. I stopped on the way back home to snap a few shots. I met James who is the owner of the U-Haul business in the yellow building partially seen on the right in the first photo, He is in the process of gaining ownership of the land from BNSF. I asked him if he meant the Union Pacific as they were the Mop’s successor. He said no, it’s BNSF according to city records. During this process James is clearing out the forest due to issues with coyotes and skunks. He also has had issues with two-footed traffic that has tried breaking into his business. James plans on clearing further back up to the property of another business.

    Be advised to those wanting to get their own shots, talk to James first.

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