Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical General Omaha Belt Line: Available documentation

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  • #6205

    Good Morning.

    Was wondering if you could steer me in the proper direction.

    I was born and raised in Omaha ( 1960 – 1978)

    I lived a 150 yards from the Belt Line ( 63rd and Center) I have memories of a switcher ( MP-15 / SW1500 / NW2 ? ) pulling a string of box cars at various times.

    As a model railroader, I was thinking of planning a new layout based on the Omaha Belt Line.

    ? Are you aware of any published documentation (books / Trains articles / etc) that could help me with trying to capture the essence of the Belt Line ?

    Thank-you for your time and consideration.

    Mr Sleep
    (John Wiesman)


    Dick Ryker here in Omaha did a presentation on the Belt Line at the Missouri Pacific Historical Society meet here a few years ago. Dick might have some material.

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