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  • #5409

    I started this topic for anyone that is having trouble with the forum such as not being able to send a private message, etc. Post a reply and one of the admins or moderators will take care of the issue and let you know. Thanks.



    I’m trying to gather some detailed information about the MOPAC’s operations across Kansas into Colorado in the late 70s. I’d like to find out about some of the higher volume industries served, other than grain, between Kansas City, MO and Pueblo, CO. Also looking to find out which RRs the MOPAC had interchange traffic with, where where the interchanges located, type of cargo, and volume of cars.

    Which forum would be appropriate for this topic?

    Thank you.
    Steve Cummings

    Charles Duckworth

    Am thinking Freight Operations might be a logical place


    Is there any way I can arrange to receive an email once a week with all the new postings for the forum? I have managed that with the S Scale SIG and it works great. Once every week I get updated on all new posts. I don’t miss anything that way and my in-box is not cluttered with daily notifications.

    Charles Duckworth

    @Ed O wrote:

    Is there any way I can arrange to receive an email once a week with all the new postings for the forum? I have managed that with the S Scale SIG and it works great. Once every week I get updated on all new posts. I don’t miss anything that way and my in-box is not cluttered with daily notifications.

    Just click on your user name in the top right corner and click again on User Control Panel. Another page opens with several tabs. Click on the last tab with the three horizontal lines and select ‘digest’. You can then sign up for a daily, weekly or monthly digest.

    Bill Pollard

    When I access the forum from the main menu, the format is scrambled in some fields. I know that there is a direct link to the forum that bypasses the main menu and results in a forum “page” that is wide enough to not scramble fields.

    Can you post that link somewhere obvious, so it is available when people are trying to read the forum from some computer other than their own machine (which presumably would have the link bookmarked)?

    Bill Pollard

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