Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical Freight Operations & Equipment question on the T&P series 8730 – 8759

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    A friend has this car in O scale.
    Wants to know if the car was built with round or square hatch covers.
    Did they change to square, and when?
    Thank for any answers.

    Ted Ferkenhoff

    Hi there Thomas, I checked thru some equipment diagrams and have attached the diagram for this series. Note is says “MP” 8730-8759, but built by T&P at Marshall 1958. The drawing would indicate square hatches as delivered. I have not looked for photos yet.

    David Boeschen

    I have a Pat Coughlin CD containing about 500 Dick Kuelbs photos of T&P equipment. This series of cars does not appear to be covered here. And I don’t see where I ever shot one either.

    However, the T&P and MP built a number of series of covered hopper cars in the late 50s and they are all similar in design details. Think those older ACF-style designs, with square hatches, no cutouts between hoppers, about the same height as the typical “1958 cuft” version.

    These cars were built in two-hopper, three-hopper and four-hopper versions.



    Thanks guys, I will pass this on.

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