Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical General Railyard or roundhouse fire

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    I obtained the attached photos in an eBay purchase of Missouri Pacific photos. They are supposedly of fire on the Missouri Pacific. Anyone recognize the location and have any additional information?

    Gene Semon

    David Boeschen

    That burned motorcar, which is apparently still connected to steam, might be a clue. I’m aware of at least a couple of the wooden roundhouses burning down, but this looks more like a coach yard. Not to say there wasn’t a roundhouse out of view of the photographer that could have caught fire and the fire spread to here.

    Th motorcar destroyed by fire is one of the older ones. There was an Eagle article on the motorcar fleet a number of years ago.


    Jerry Michels

    Sure looks like a coach yard fire. The roundhouse is off to the left of the photo. Location sure have me baffled. Jerry

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