Home Page Forums Missouri Pacific Historical Society Company Store Rapido Alco FA-2, FB-2 and FPA-2 list

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  • #6093
    Charles Duckworth

    I’m trying to reconstruct the Missouri Pacific Historical Society order for the Rapido Alco’s FA-2, FB-2 and FPA-2. I had the reservation spreadsheet on a laptop that unfortunately died last year.

    If you’d sent me a preorder can you let me know what you wanted.

    I’m going off memory on who may have ordered and a couple emails I had. I’m pretty sure I ordered one of each for the company store.

    Here’s what’s on order
    Road number
    347 FA-2 DCC/Sound 4 ordered
    352 FA-2 DCC/Sound 4 ordered
    380 FA-2 DCC/Sound 4 ordered
    366 FPA-2 DCC/Sound 3 ordered
    371 FPA-2 DCC/Sound 3 ordered
    392 FPA-2 DCC/sound 3 ordered
    377-B FB-2 DCC/sound 2 ordered
    347-B FB-2 DCC/Sound 2 ordered
    352-B FB-2 DCC/Sound 2 ordered

    Charles Duckworth

    I’m submitting our revised order to Rapido Thursday morning. As of now we have 17 locomotives ordered. MP had 43 A units and 30 B units.


    Missouri Pacific HO photos

    The artwork was vetted by Ed Hawkins and other members of the society as well as furnishing numerous photos to Rapido to capture the unique differences between the prototypes.

    If you’re interested in reserving any of these and help support the Missouri Pacific Historical Society contact me at [email protected].

    Charles Duckworth

    Reservations are closed. Thanks to those who are supporting the Missouri Pacific Historical Society with their purchase.

    Charles Duckworth

    Rapido has shipped the FA-2. Those that reserved one will be getting an email from the MPHS on payment options.

    Charles Duckworth

    Learned that Rapido MP Alco FA-2 complete run sold out and only three FPA-2 left. Who says Mopac doesn’t sell.

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