Home Page Forums Missouri Pacific Historical Society Company Store RoW signs added to the Company Store

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  • #5793
    Charles Duckworth

    These are all laser cut signs made to look like the cast signs from the Mopac Standards books. Yard limits, crossing signs, whistle signs, water tanks, station signs, etc. Many of these lasted up until the 1980’s.



    How do you paint these? White overall, then dry brush on the black? Any tips as to how, on the cross bucks, to paint the neat diagonal pole striping?

    Charles Duckworth

    @Patrick wrote:

    How do you paint these? White overall, then dry brush on the black? Any tips as to how, on the cross bucks, to paint the neat diagonal pole striping?

    The cross bucks are aluminum but the prototype painting is included in the instructions. Some pf the other signs were black and white. I brush painted mine and then dry brushed black. You can also use a black magic marker to go over the top of the letters. As to the stripe on the pole use a black decal and wrap it around.

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