Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical Business Cars Sleeper Number 11

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    Some shots of Sleeper Car Number 11.

    Bill Pollard

    Car 11 was originally the Crystal River, Budd built smooth-side 10-6 sleeper. One of the car’s first Pullman line assignments was St. Louis-Denver on the Colorado Eagle, and perhaps its last was in St. Louis-Mexico City service on the Texas Eagle, with a variety of other assignments in between. The car remained in Pullman lease until the end of Pullman Company operations, being withdrawn from lease on January 2, 1969. It and several sister cars were stored at Sedalia for possible company use, although this car was the only one actually modified. By 1975, it had been converted to business car 11. Can anyone provide a more accurate date of conversion to #11?

    Bill Pollard



    Just to add to your comment about the smooth sides. Budd actually referred to them as slab sides.
    3 slabs below the windows.

    Bill Basden Delta Models http://www.deltamodelsusa.com

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