Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical Maintenance of Way StLB&M MoW SS boxcar

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    Charles Duckworth

    Here’s an interesting car. I initially thought it was an NOT&M boxcar converted to MoW service but once you look closely at the reporting marks you see it was previously lettered StLB&M with a different number (X 45?7) under the MPX 4680.

    Surviving freight car diagrams show the Brownie single-sheathed boxcars with steel ends and a radial roof, whereas, this car is a match for the NOT&M single-sheathed cars. At least one of the NOT&M boxcars were transferred to StLB&M MoW service. The original car was never converted into a caboose as there’s no end doors or side doors.

    Original photo from Ralph Carlson


    Charlie you find the neatest cars. I saw one, probably the same car, in HO form on Bill Herbert’s layout. Sunshine kits gone, I’ll probably never have a chance to have those cars. Pat Flory.

    Charles Duckworth

    go to Speedwitch.com and he has four of the Soo Line SS boxcars for sale at $45 each. This is a one piece body resin kit that can we converted into the NOT&M boxcar.


    Is a “one piece resin body” basically a brick with cast on exterior detail ? What do you do to make the Soo Line car into to an NOT&M car? Were they part of an order with the NOT&M cars?

    David Boeschen

    Considering that this car is sandwiched between two outside-post mechanical reefers, at least one of which has been de-roofwalked, means this car lasted until at least 1966. The 1968 SoE does not list an X4680, but some broken numbers higher than that are listed as ‘Boarding’, which this car evidently was.

    Ron Merrick

    Charles Duckworth

    A cast one piece resin kit is pretty close to a plastic car body except the body is of resin. I’ve built two Speedwitch resin kits (Wabash and SP prototypes) and the detail is excellent. You just need to dril the holes for the various wire hand holds and ladders.


    If I got the Speedwitch Soo Line boxcar, what needs to be done to make it a NOT&M car?

    Charles Duckworth

    Just go into the HO models section and look at the NOT&M boxcar model. There’s a couple of shots without paint that should help.

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