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  • #5418

    Does anyone have any information on this car? It is a length of T&P box car I have not seen before. It has a height like a 30 ton box car but is very long and is wood sheathed with a fish belly frame. I wonder if it might be a converted old passenger car? It is unusual for work cars to carry a diamond herald when it appears the relettering paint, car paint and herald all seem to match in age.

    Charles Duckworth

    Very interesting car. I have a T&P MoW diagram book but this car wasn’t in it. Any idea of the length, thought initially it might be an ex- express reefer, but I think it’s too long. You might be right on it being a former passenger car.

    Richard Ryker

    I think we are looking at a distorted photograph. Either the photo was taken with a wide angle lens or a file that was digitized has become elongated and has distorted the apparent length of the car. I believe the car is a standard wood double-sheath 40′ box car.

    I resized the photo in PhotoShop and it appears “normal”, but when I post the photo to this BB it becomes distorted again. I also tried posting the photo to the discussion group, but again it was distorted.

    Aha!! I opened the file again in PhotoSop and had the message, “This file was created to be viewed on a television monitor” So there is substantial distortion in the image.

    Dick Ryker

    Richard Ryker

    Finally some success with a minimally distorted image!


    Dick Ryker

    Charles Duckworth

    Thanks for the modified photo. The original image was certainly throwing me off.


    It still looks pretty long to me.

    Charles Duckworth

    How’s this? It’s amazing what Photoshop can do..



    I think a 50′ double sheathed wood boxcar is a pretty neat thing no matter what, real or not real. Maybe an Accurail Kitbash!

    Charles Duckworth

    More shots from Tom Stamey of the long maintenance of way cars. Photos by Dick Kuelbs. Maybe someone can fill in the length of these cars and their origin.


    Bill Pollard

    I do not think the original shot of X-702 was distorted – the cars were indeed that long. One still survives at a Bed & Breakfast in Jefferson, TX, a slight distance west of downtown (between downtown and US-59). The last time I saw it, it was still on trucks and a section of track, being used as an annex for a B&B or something similar. The window arrangement has been modified for the current use, but the car length, roof contour, etc., is unchanged.

    Bill Pollard

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