Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical Freight Operations & Equipment Two 2 bay covered hoppers with drawbars

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    Charles Duckworth

    I don’t recall the exact year but while I was working my system station job I was involved with meeting between marketing, car control, IT, mechanical and operating on making up several sets of two bay covered hopper that where permanently coupled with a drawbar. The cars were too small for normal service and were given only one number with changes having to be made to UMLER, tariffs, waybilling programs, etc. I thought I recalled these were intended to be used on branchlines where larger covered hoppers couldn’t be loaded. Anyone have photos or additional information on these unique car sets? I did call Jim Rose and he remembering these cars in Atchison in flour service.

    Ted Ferkenhoff

    Is it possible you are referring to the paired single-bay Airslides? There were several sets parked at DeSoto in the late 1980’s. Here are the “A” and “B” units paired as MP 720995. I do not have a shot of both in the same frame.

    Note the “A” unit without any reporting marks.

    Charles Duckworth

    Yes, thanks for posting a photo. Working for the Mopac vs the yellow outfit was night and day. On the MP you could hold a meeting with all the necessary departments, determine the requirements and be finished.

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