Home Page Forums Missouri Pacific Historical Society Company Store Two DVDs added Trains of the Heartland & St. Louis RR’s of the 1970’s

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    Charles Duckworth


    Trains of the Heartland – As filmed by David E. Cash

    In the late 1960s and early 1970s, David E. Cash, of Carthage, MO, set out with an 8mm video camera to film the last of the great railroads that served the tri-state area of Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma. In the process, he captured rare footage of the Missouri Pacific, Frisco, Kansas City Southern, MKT and other roads in action.

    David, who recenlty passed away, was an avid model railroader and railfan. He was well known for these pursuits in the tri-state area.

    Personal comment from Kevin Love: As a young man, I was privileged to meet David. I remember seeing him with his video camera filming the MP and the SLSF in my hometown of Carthage, MO. Also,I was also able to visit his home and view his model railroad. I have viewed this DVD many times and I can readily say that it was a worthwhile investment. As a former employee of the MP in Carthage, this video brings back fond memories. In fact, I am fairly certain that I was the head brakeman on one of the trains that is part of this offering. You will not be disappointed.

    Vintage Rails Video DVD – Saint Louis RR’s of the 1970’s

    This DVD Features all the major Railroads that served the St. Louis Area in the late 1970’s. However, a great majority of the film is focused on two of the regions favorites- The Mopac and the Frisco!

    Highlighted are locations such as Kirkwood, Valley Park, and Pacific in Missouri, and Mitchell, Granite City, Belleville, Valmeyer, and Bixby Jct. in Illinois.

    Other Railroads shown include Amtrak, Illinois Central, GM&O, Southern, Penn Central, B&O/Chessie, SP/Cotton Belt, Burlington Northern/CB&Q, as well as Terminal Railroads Alton & Southern and TRRA.

    Scenes Featured in this film include GM&O F-Units, Mopac Bicentennial unit #1976, Amtrak Departing Union Station, and visits to the A&S and other yards, as well as visits to several area Yardmasters towers!

    Filmed by William W. Lain, and William W. Lain Jr., using a Kodak Sound Movie Camera, with Ektachrome and Kodachrome movie film, these scenes all feature live audio, with no dubbing! Video content is 1 hr. and 45 mins. in length.

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