Home Page Forums Missouri Pacific Historical Society Company Store Update on MP flour cars (rebuilt ART reefers)

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  • #6342
    Charles Duckworth

    Missouri Pacific Historical Society member, Mike Huddleston, has been working on a set of 3D parts to allow the 1939 Intermountain ART reefer kits to be converted to a MP 120000/130000 boxcar. Mike is the same individual that did the GP-12 and LCL caboose for us.

    These kits will be initially only available to Missouri Pacific Historical Society members and we’ll only have 38. The kits will include the reefer kit, 1954 replacement roof, ends and doors and decals. Mike it still tweaking the replacement ends but parts for the kits should be available in the next 30 days. Test shots below.

    Watch this space for when the kits are released.


    Charles Duckworth

    I received the doors, roof and ends yesterday from Mike and started building one of the models to test out the parts. While I’m building I’m keeping notes and taking photos for the instructions. We’ll have 37 kits available (that’s the number of unbuilt ART kits we were able to get). Once the kits are available I’ll announce that they can be ordered through the company store. No reservations being accepted just watch for an announcement in this area of the bulletin board.

    Charles Duckworth

    Here’s a side view of the model this morning. The production 3D doors will need to be 8’ 6” high that’s why one builds a beta test first to iron out the winkles. Mike and I went back and forth on the ‘roller pin’ style ends in several emails. I’ve added Evergreen plastic strips to the top and bottom of the doors to add the additional height needed. I’m using the Intermountain parts as they come with the kit.

    Charles Duckworth

    Almost ready for painting. Sitting next to a ATSF PS-1 you can see the height difference in the former ART car vs a standard 40’ boxcar.

    Charles Duckworth

    Primer certainly helps show up the spots that need more work. I’ll work on the doors and the areas where I removed the hand holds. Then a coat of Mopac boxcar brown. [attachment=1:3mxqum24]1A936091-BE20-4988-9820-6AC80AAE9404.jpeg[/attachment:3mxqum24][attachment=0:3mxqum24]D18FE1E1-7DF0-4079-BEFE-8B049B8ED789.jpeg[/attachment:3mxqum24]

    Charles Duckworth

    Mask Island decals made especially for the upcoming flour car kit. I’ve still got the other side to decal and then Dullcote. Hubert did an amazing job as the small lettering is clearly readable.


    I hate to ask a silly question. How was flour shipped in these cars? In bags? Or blown in as powder?

    Charles Duckworth



    Looks like those guys could die of white-lung disease.

    Charles Duckworth

    Decals on both sides and Dullcoted. The production kits will have corrected doors. Close up of the smaller decals shows how well the smaller decals can be read. This was a quick build just to see how the parts fit. [attachment=0:3pbf4deh]29C09C5D-5636-429A-B395-F7CFAA114CF1.jpeg[/attachment:3pbf4deh][attachment=1:3pbf4deh]F2B9AF4B-B86B-4702-9E49-E26689A88637.jpeg[/attachment:3pbf4deh][attachment=2:3pbf4deh]D8E3514C-C67F-48E3-AD6A-D6217C2776F1.jpeg[/attachment:3pbf4deh][attachment=3:3pbf4deh]75F932BF-09E2-4B76-A622-33C78B3B7015.jpeg[/attachment:3pbf4deh][attachment=4:3pbf4deh]B267366D-9E6F-41DB-82AE-A9A5B2150D3D.jpeg[/attachment:3pbf4deh][attachment=5:3pbf4deh]6AD19850-5C04-4528-BD36-0640A6A0B53D.jpeg[/attachment:3pbf4deh][attachment=6:3pbf4deh]7468D749-BC9A-44C6-8CDA-9F400A193010.jpeg[/attachment:3pbf4deh]

    Gary Herron


    Thanks for all your work on the project and building the pilot model…it looks great!

    Used to see these cars all over the railroad. All over KC and many other points in Kansas…and really, everywhere.

    They really stood out account the lower roof line…great project!


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