Home Page Forums Modeling the Missouri Pacific, Texas & Pacific, etc HO Scale Walthers MP prototype RPO-bag — not!

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    David Boeschen

    Since Walthers finally managed to get the C&O George Washington train done, with the ACF RPO-baggage that was an MP prototype (among others), and the C&O-painted RPO-bag is now shipping, today several new paint schemes for this car were announced. Some have clerestory roof, some have arch roof. And the MoPac version? Nooooooo….

    I wrote to Walthers in some detail as soon as I saw this release, late today. Will keep you posted if I get a response. But, if you’d like to write to Walthers too and ask for some MP, please feel free. The not-MoP stock numbers are 920-174xx series.


    Charles Duckworth

    They even took one of Joe Collias’ photos of a Mopac car at Arkansas City and removed the MPL lettering off the car. See below.



    I doubt if they would have dissed a MILWAUKEE ROAD car.


    They even did the heavyweight parlor car in Eagle colors; however, I think there are new people making the decisions at Walthers now so it may be a long time before we see this in MoPac

    Jim Ogden

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