Home Page Forums Modeling the Missouri Pacific, Texas & Pacific, etc HO Scale Weathering Modern Mopac boxcars and photo references

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  • #5481
    Charles Duckworth

    After looking at 2,000 models for two days at the Collinsville RPM meet I decided to do a little ‘Back to the Future’ on the Bagnell Branch but I’m stopping at 1980 as I hate the graffiti paint on today’s freight cars. The modern modelers at the meet do some amazing artwork with their airbrushes replicating these cars but for my taste and what I remember from my Mopac days in the field it just looks wrong.

    I’m a complete novice when it comes to freight cars after 1960 so Kevin Love gave me some guidance on what Atlas, Athearn, ExactRail MP cars were accurate. Tom Johnson is a retired art teacher and has a beautiful layout to prove it. He also has some of the most realistic model freight cars I’ve seen. I decided to try his methods on a couple of cheap Atlas boxcars and a P2K covered hopper before I tackled the high end models.

    My references are the Mopac Color Passenger and Freight car book from Morning Sun (which you can buy from the MPHS company store http://mopac.org/store/books-books-books/item/19-missouri-pacific-color-guide-to-freight-and-passenger-equipment ) and Tom’s weathering blog on Model Railroad Hobbyist http://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/node/14896?page=1 .

    My other reference is Railcar Photos where you can do a search on initial (ie., MP, TP MI etc) and car type ‘Boxcar’ and enjoy the photos. Here’s an example where I did a search on ‘MI’ and ‘boxcar’ http://www.railcarphotos.com/PhotoDetails.php?PhotoID=52913 . Just go http://www.railcarphotos.com/ Looking through the Morning Sun book Mopac’s freight cars were maintained in pretty good shape, not much rust, just grime from use and a little wear and tear. Here’s a third reference you can use just go to the pages for CEI, MP or TP photos http://www.boxcars.us/index.html

    After reading Tom’s tutorial all I used for this first car was Dullcote with a few drops of black and roof brown, dry pigments and oil paints. Tom’s explanations are pretty easy to follow. [attachment=1:12ax1d4p]MPatlascar2.JPG[/attachment:12ax1d4p][attachment=2:12ax1d4p]MPatlascar1.JPG[/attachment:12ax1d4p][attachment=3:12ax1d4p]MPAtlascar.JPG[/attachment:12ax1d4p]

    While not a Mopac car here’s a P2K covered hopper I did using Tom’s tutorial.



    Thanks for the links….Both cars look great, I really like the T&P boxcar because it seems to be just barely dirty on the sides, but then the roof makes you take a second look at the sides. Very nice.
    The Frisco covered hopper is really an eye catcher as well. Keep us up dated on your “modern cars fleet” to go with your new Jenks Blue Geeps. Have you weathered the Geeps?

    Charles Duckworth

    No, it was easy tackling a $19 boxcar but when it comes to taking the airbrush to a $190 locomotive I want to have some more experience behind me. In keeping with modernizing the branch I stripped the Bachmann GP7 today and cut back the skirting around the fuel tanks to make a white and blue RI unit. So the operations will be similar to the mid1950s with a MP local and a RI yard switcher.

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