Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical General Wichita and Hardtner subs track profiles

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  • #6333
    Larry Winfrey

    Hello group,
    This is my first post so please bear with me.
    I’m working on my research on the Wichita and Hardtner subs information for my HO scale layout. Does anyone have any track profiles for these subs. Any help would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,
    Larry Winfrey

    Ted Ferkenhoff

    Hi Larry, give me some time to search our archives. I had a set and donated it to be scanned.

    Ted Ferkenhoff

    Larry, here is a 1970s version track chart for the Hardtner Subdivision.

    David Boeschen

    I’ll just say it’s a lloooonngg way out there, especially once you get past Conway.


    Larry Winfrey

    Hello group,

    Thanks for the responses to my question on the track profiles. I am now starting my research and have gathered some track diagrams for the Hardtner sub from a friend that worked for the Mop as a yardmaster here in Wichita. He is looking for his Wichita sub track diagram for me but it will take some time, he has accumulated a lot of paperwork from his days on the railroad.

    Larry Winfrey

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