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  • in reply to: Texas and Pacific water tank at tower 55 #10112
    Gregg Laiben

    Sorry Bill, can’t help you with images. Would enjoy following your construction. Are you planning to do this tank in brass?


    in reply to: MP Alcos in in Jenks Blue #10094
    Gregg Laiben

    I’ve gathered photos from the web over the years and in addition to the 3 mentioned above, #66 is also documented as being in Jenks blue livery. The STL Post Dispatch archives do show the last commuter train being pulled by a PA – I’m unable to see a number on it.

    I have several images in color if you want to PM me.

    in reply to: It’s moving #10070
    Gregg Laiben

    Happy for you that the move is done. Looking forward to pictures of your building and re-assembly.


    in reply to: Missouri-Illinois Book information and reservations #10024
    Gregg Laiben

    Joe, that’s exactly why I was going to model the BT sub and Festus-Crystal City again – I knew it well and had no idea as to how the rest of the M-I operated elsewhere. All of that has changed now with the release of Charlie’s book.

    Charlie, I like your idea about the POW camp – I may delete the scrap yard or let it do double duty. Both can use a tall fence and a locked gate across the tracks. Just need to make a few scenery pieces replaceable and movable. In all my years, I do not recall seeing a layout with a POW camp – would certainly be unique!


    in reply to: Missouri-Illinois Book information and reservations #10020
    Gregg Laiben

    Charlie, here’s the current track plan (staging is built and I just starting adding benchwork to the incline and Mosher today). Obviously, I have incorporated plenty of modeler’s license <g src=” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />, but I think I have captured the essence. Would certainly appreciate your thoughts and input.

    Since I model in Proto:48/O scale, the ferry will be 72″ long w/ 3 tracks and 6 car capacity each like the prototype. An incline crew will work the boat from the Thomure boat yard and a 2nd yard crew will shuttle cars to/fro Middle Yard to make up the local from Ste Gen to Derby. This allows me to cycle cars on and off layout at both the boat and Derby.

    Plan to build the hull from 2″ Styrofoam, deck from Gatorboard and the superstructure from styrene. Will fit it to a drawer glide so it can shift similar to a transfer table. I cannot mimic the angles of the incline and apron in the short distance I have (22″ from “shore” to boat), nor the sharp angles that the prototype had with the apron. My rolling stock and engines are fitted with Protocraft operating couplers – tested them today on inclined track and they work fine with a 0.75-1″ grade change in 22″.


    in reply to: Missouri-Illinois Book information and reservations #10018
    Gregg Laiben

    As a result of this new book, I modified my layout plans to model the Ste Gen sub rather than the Bonne Terre sub. The transfer boat offers such great operational challenges. Plus, I had already modeled the BT sub in a previous house, so this gave me the opportunity to study a different aspect of the M-I.

    Thanks Charlie!


    in reply to: Missouri Pacific 17b tender #9934
    Gregg Laiben

    That is some awesome, and FAST, work – nice job!

    in reply to: Missouri-Illinois Book information and reservations #9910
    Gregg Laiben

    Mine arrived this morning in Parkville (KC), MO. Oh my, this is a wonderful book – Charlie, congratulations and THANK YOU for what is and always will be, _the_ definitive text on the M-I. Chocked full of pictures as well as text on operations, outlines and details of each depot, customers served along the line, etc. I can assure you this is not one to miss.

    Have just thumbed thru it for now, but will start digesting tonight. It will certainly guide many changes as I resume progress on the layout.


    in reply to: Introduction – Dennis Evans #9900
    Gregg Laiben

    Welcome – lots of great information to be had on the forum. Keep a close watch for the imminent release of Charlie Duckworth’s new book on the M-I (you can order it from the company store – IIRC, there is a discount for members). The first ever book on this MoPac subsidiary. I too have a keen interest in the M-I, having grown up in Herculaneum. Many family members worked at PPG in Crystal City, so Frisco is right up there too.


    in reply to: Missouri-Illinois Book is now available for purchase #9873
    Gregg Laiben

    @Patrick wrote:

    That’s a serious kink in the track between the cradle and the vessel. No derailment problems there?

    I’m guessing they were lining up. Interesting to note that those ops used an idler car – must not have been due to avoiding an engine on the ferry, because RS3 #72 is on the middle track!

    in reply to: Rail Ferry between Natchez and Vidalia #9866
    Gregg Laiben

    Eric, I am eager to see your layout plans as they develop. Please share on the forum.

    I am modeling the M-I in Proto:48 and eagerly await Charlie’s new book which is likely to trigger changes in my layout design. I am thinking a lot about representing the ferry ops at Thomure/Little Rock Landing.


    in reply to: Rail Ferry between Natchez and Vidalia #9860
    Gregg Laiben

    I have condensed all my notes regarding MoPac & M-I ferry operations (including track diagrams and photos I have found online). These are available in my public Dropbox link located at

    If any of the material is yours and you do not wish it to be made public, or if it is copyrighted, please advise and I will remove it.


    in reply to: Rail Ferry between Natchez and Vidalia #9859
    Gregg Laiben

    Charlie/Eric – just sent you both an email.


    in reply to: Rail Ferry between Natchez and Vidalia #9856
    Gregg Laiben

    Eric, I have some images and track diagrams and such for Natchez ferry that I have collected online. My interest has been in the ferry operation on the M-I at Thomure, but have collected anything I come across.

    Please send me your email and I can forward info. There’s another gent on this forum who previously modeled the Thomure operation in HO.


    in reply to: MP Steam locomotive lettering color #9805
    Gregg Laiben

    Charlie, that is great news to hear. And THANK YOU for sending him the M-I lettering. Please keep us posted and I will get an order in (O scale).


Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 83 total)