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    Charles Duckworth

    We are looking at printing a limited run of 500 books but if the interest is high enough we’ll do 650. If you’d like to reserve a book (no money being collected) just email [email protected] and you’ll be added to the list.

    Details on chapters are in this link.

    This is a fund raiser for the archives to support scanning costs, materials for storage, monthly rent, etc. We are all volunteers so no payment is going to the author – all of our time (archivist, board members, etc) are unpaid.

    Charles Duckworth

    271 book reservations of today. Cutoff is April 15, 2020.

    Jerry Michels

    Looks like a successful project. Hopefully by April 15th this number will be solidly above 300. Jerry

    Gregg Laiben

    Agree with above. Am looking forward to this book and appreciate GREATLY the work Charlie and others have put into this effort.



    @glaiben wrote:

    Agree with above. Am looking forward to this book and appreciate GREATLY the work Charlie and others have put into this effort.


    Speaking of the Missouri-Illinois line, looks like UP is spending some money on the line. Saw many stacks of new ties along the railroad at least to the Hwy C intersection west of Weingarten when I drove Hwy 32 the other day from Ste Gen. Trees are being trimmed and a maintenance crew was working across the highway from the Midway restaurant.


    I am very excited for this book to come out because I live in Nashville Illinois on the old Mike and Ike.


    Apr 15 is right around the corner. How are we doing on pre-orders? I am very much looking forward to this book!

    Charles Duckworth

    The editor has returned all the chapters and captions with her comments and corrections and I’ve already returned them. She also has all the photos, maps and various documents electronically. As it currently stands the book will be printed in July or August. The only exception is if the plant shuts down due to concerns with the workers spreading the coronavirus within the facility. Last I heard they are still in production but are keeping ‘social distances’. So far Missouri has not issued a ‘stay at home order’ which if they do could obviously push the printing timeline back.

    As to the preorders we are over 300; we’ll decide in mid April do we print the minimum of 500 or does the reservation numbers tell us to increase the run.


    I am so very ready for this book. To me the M-I is the short line version of the MOP, MP lite in some ways. Being way down in Louisiana I have no first hand familiarity with the M-I but the chapter and photos in Mopac Power sold me on the appeal of that little road a very long time ago.

    Way back when we were kids, we’d see M-I boxcars down in New Iberia with only the buzz saw and “M-I” for the reporting marks. My buddy thought they’d forgotten to put all of the “P” on. 😮 😯 😆 . I had seen Missouri Illinois on other cars but had a hard time convincing him otherwise.

    Author Charlie, after this will you show us more of your layout?

    Jerry Michels

    Three hundred pre-orders is wonderful! Seems like the M-I was an excellent choice for the MPHS! Jerry


    The editor has returned all the chapters and captions with her comments and corrections and I’ve already returned them. She also has all the photos, maps and various documents electronically. As it currently stands the book will be printed in July or August. The only exception is if the plant shuts down due to concerns with the workers spreading the coronavirus within the facility. Last I heard they are still in production but are keeping ‘social distances’. So far Missouri has not issued a ‘stay at home order’ which if they do could obviously push the printing timeline back.

    The governor of Missouri issued a stay at home order, yesterday. It is effective from April 6 thru April 24 and it may be extended. So, it is highly likely that our print date will be postponed.

    Gregg Laiben

    I know nothing about publishing a book, so if I am totally off base here, please let me know.

    Given the justified delay in hardcopy publishing, is there a possibility that we could create an advance electronic copy, such as a PDF for sale? I would be willing to pay for both the hardcopy and e-version if that would help the society and get the content into my hands sooner.


    Charles Duckworth

    I talked to the editor today and the printing plant is still working In Missouri so I can only assume we are still on for a July/August publication date. As to your suggestion we offer an eBook we are under contract with Donning Publishing to print at least hardcover 500 books. We have today at least 325 reservations. The contract covers Donning laying the book out with an editor and art director. So the completed book is not compiled by me in a format that includes the text, captions and photos that allows for a eBook to be even offered early.

    As it stands now, with only 325 reservations I feel we won’t print over 500 books. So if someone is interested they need to get their reservation into [email protected] by 4/15.

    Gregg Laiben

    Charlie, thanks for the update. Appreciate it.

    Charles Duckworth

    Working on the index over the next few days; this entails rereading the entire book again and copying and pasting what going into the index into a spreadsheet. The publisher will then assigned page numbers once the book is laid out.

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